@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Le personnel d’entraîneurs des Leafs devrait-il tenir les joueurs vedettes plus responsables du jeu de la fin? | Tim et ses amis

Luke Gadzic se joint à Tim et ses amis pour discuter des signes inquiétants des Maple Leafs de Toronto tout au long de leur dérapage de quatre matchs, y compris des habitudes bâclées et un manque de responsabilité et si cela devrait affecter l’équipe à long terme.


  1. The major prob with the leafs, is they've got all their eggs in two baskets. If Matthews and Marner aren't performing…

  2. Why is there so much intense pressure in Toronto than any other team in the NHL? They clearly arent & never were a NHL powerhouse so why are they treated so badly by their fans & the media with every loss? There is no heritage with this team if anything this should be going on in Montreal!

  3. Hell YES, how many times is Mitch going to give the puck away. He’s making assists for the wrong team. The defence is crap. I would trade Mitch and Mr 60 for players with heart and fight. Look at the last 10 sec against the kings 4 players in the corner could not win the puck back form 2 kings.

  4. buffalo is a better TEAM, than toronto, and they have 20 million in cap space.

  5. I think they feel like they are too pressured. Go out there and play your game. If every single leaf was clicking like they were the second half of last season, this is a easy cup contender team. Just play your game. The whole team needs to step up. From D to forwards.

  6. The answer: duh

    They look miserable and they have so many resources. From fan support to literal endless money. Them underperforming with a lousy effort is unacceptable. Not to mention their attitude about it. What are their excuses?

    They aren’t “boys” or “kids” anymore.

  7. Take the top 6 and roll them into maintenance days on game days. Send Holl to Robidas Island.
    Softest team in the league and has been for the last 5 years.

  8. All the star players are flat. They should be on their 3rd Stanley Cup wins. They have no chemistry. They try to be to cute with the plays. Mariner is a million dollar baby that should grow up

  9. Of course star players should be held accountable. They’re part of the team. The Leafs lack any locker room leadership. They have all the talent, but zero heart. They are a bunch of divas.

  10. Just like the province …. the team is too soft….and maybe it's Karma for destroying Canada with their politics.

  11. 🍁🍁 Star players? The whole team looks like zombies. Personal Pride at least! Let’s go boys! 🍁🍁

  12. They never have held players accountable. That’s why they “choke” when opposing teams stand up to them.

  13. You can't expect this team to keep having the success they have had in the season that ends just in the playoffs if nothing else changes to acquire the players that will complete this team to give them the balance and the best opportunity to be a real contender to win the Cup. After 4 yrs of doing nothing but shuffleing third and fourth line players by way of trade or invite, swapping goalies every year eventually catches up with you making it easy for any team to beat you. This team is not playing for Keef and are making that perfectly clear. The players know what is needed for them to change the results from the past few years. But the problem is the management and coaching staff has failed to get it done. They just continue to do more of nothing year after year.

  14. If Marner did go in the back, break his stick, and come back, then he sits out the next game. That behavior is not acceptable from an adult. That's not passion, that's immaturity. But after Keefe was forced to apologize for calling out his players, he has no teeth to discipline the team now. The players run the team now.

  15. I know the Rangers havent won a cup but whoever comes in next should look at the Rangers as an example on how to rebuild the right way and not the Leafs. The have good goaltending good defense and as much offensive power as the Leafs have. Leafs have offensive power with no goaltending and no defense.

  16. The Leafs need to fire Dubas or give him a new deal the only way to improve the team long term is to trade picks for a young defensemen. Why would you let Dubas trade those picks if he's going to fired leaving the new GM in a hole. Meaning the season is a throw away the only move to make is Trade either Nylander, Tavares or Kerfoot.

  17. Yes, absolutely! Focus on every mistake, every "turnover" until they're afraid to play hockey. This is Toronto the Capitol of Hockey and the fans and media demand perfection. Every time! Every good player that comes along must eventually be run out of town. That's the Leaf way.

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