@Stars de Dallas

Les choses ne vont pas très bien pour les Coyotes ce soir…

Le gardien des Coyotes Karel Vejmelka sort pour jouer la rondelle mais la retourne, droit à Jamie Benn qui marque son 1er de l’année pour prolonger l’avance des Stars à 6-0


  1. very typical of today's "goaltenders". NEVER happened 40 years ago.

  2. Mann the coyotes can't even sell out to a university Arena. Can they please move the coyotes to a place they actually want a team like Quebec?

  3. Not even their fans are cheering for them this will be remembered as their final year playing in a small arena
    embarrassing relocate by 2023

  4. It looked like the Coyotes goalie was intenionally trying to pass it to the Stars player

  5. Their goalie took too many stims before that panther game so hes destroyed tonight.

  6. Look this arena is a disgrace, but it was the first shift of the period. There are always empty seats from people who didn’t get back from intermission in time and have to wait for a stoppage to go down to their seats.

  7. They play well against Florida and win, and then they get their cheeks clapped by Dallas. Looks like I'm rooting for Vegas again this year.

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