@Canucks de Vancouver

32 Réflexions: La réaction continue à la signature de Mitchell Miller par les Bruins

Dans cette édition de 32 Thoughts, Elliotte Friedman et Jeff Marek discutent de la réaction continue à la signature de Mitchell Miller par les Bruins de Boston, de l’avenir de Bo Horvat avec les Canucks de Vancouver, de la vente potentielle des Sénateurs d’Ottawa, et plus encore.


  1. Ok im confused. What is the actual problem with Miller being signed? Is it the fact that Bettman wasn't informed or the stupid things he did as a kid? If this had happened when he was a junior player (IE coming into the NHL from the pro juniors) that's different but it doesn't make sense to me that we're all in an uproar because he bullied a black disabled kid when he was a kid? His actions are terrible of course not condoning them at all but to me that doesn't and shouldn't apply to someone that happened years ago. Talk about woke culture breaking down a guy.

  2. Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  3. I agree with this move but there’s been nhl players who literally killed people drunk driving and were back in the league next year

  4. Everybody deserves a second chance BUT you have to have true remorse for your misdeeds.

  5. The AHL president is an idiot. Of course Miller is going to say everything he wants to hear. But the truth is Miller never apologized and never showed remorse. The family hasn't forgave Miller so why should anyone else?

  6. How old was the kid when this happened? 2016… give it a break..

  7. 6 years is a long time since this happened, Logan mailloux did horrible things too and that is more recent. Mitchell Miller's action not condoning but he was fourteen when it happened. People have changed in 6 years and we aren't going to learn this if we continue to drag this on.

  8. I don't disagree what with the action against Miller. Bruins are wrong doing what they did with Miller. They should have talked with the League.

  9. Yawn. I feel like we've got to a point in society where we create problems because our lives are too good and/or boring. This is just comedy at this point. Letting condemning a man for things he did at 14 years old?

  10. Bruins look alll this drama you have brought to your own org to a very good team this year how dumb can you be

  11. Remember folks this was 6 years ago when this young man was immature etc. A person can do a lot of changing in 6 years. but if has not changed at all then I would agree with him not allowed to be in the NHL.

  12. Are we going to put people into jail for something they did when they were going through puberty? If he is not allowed to participate in society then let's put him in jail. Sounds like he broke the law, so why isn't he in jail?

  13. Cam Neely's ill fated attempt at getting a competitive advantage sure backfired. His players are questioning his move, the NHL commissioner rebuked him and his NHL leading team just lost to the slumping Leafs.

  14. Which one of us hasn't made a mistake in our youth years?? Give him a break and let him Prove himself!!

  15. I think he truly isn’t remorseful. Miller just took contact with the guy he bullied. Why didn’t he apologize just after it happened instead of waiting 6 years and apologize just before getting drafted.

  16. Ok this whole situation is dumb. Bringing up something he did years ago when he was a stupid kid is petty and pathetic. He already faced his punishment and did his time it shouldn't still have any effect of his life.

  17. NHL is so left leaning
    This is INSANE
    he was 14 yrs old

    Judge EVERYONE ELSE for what they did at 14

  18. A 14 year old kid makes a stupid mistake and everyone decides to ruin his life over it….. That's worse bullying than what happened to the kid he bullied. So long as he's shown remorse, and has used the incident to make himself a better man, it's game on in my opinion. He was charged and served out the punishment given…. now you're all punishing him again. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  19. cancel culture got to go. did he do something wrong? yes. he was a kid. happened years ago. This is woke cancel culture

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