@Jets de Winnipeg

Faits saillants des matchs de la LNH | Canadiens contre Jets, match 1 – 2 juin 2021

Le vétéran Eric Staal a marqué un but et ajouté une aide, tandis que Nick Suzuki a marqué un but pour aider les Canadiens de Montréal à une victoire de 5-3 sur les Jets de Winnipeg dans le premier match.


  1. Sore loser had to do a cheap shot like that. He should be suspended for the next 2 games. Go Montreal I'm rooting for ya.

  2. Not sure how Habs are the underdogs in this series. Have you seen jets d pairings? That is a slow lumbering d line. Habs in 4

  3. The deeply nigeria scientifically blink because club moberly offend past a lopsided mark. past, royal jury

  4. for fun… for those of you that think it was a dirty hit… your late & unnecessary.

  5. If Scheifele had gone low and extended to the crease it could be said he was making a play on the puck. Instead he committed to heading off Evans, and that's basically what he did.
    Followed through after the goal. These guys make split second decisions regularly. Very unprofessional hit.

  6. Scheifele left his feet to take him out like a sore loser baby when he could have saved the goal by shoving his stick in. Stupid hockey from a stupid guy. I hope he gets everything coming to him. Hoping for a speedy recovery.

  7. Well deserved win for the Habs and that last goal by Evans sealed that win….GO HABS GO!!!

  8. Disclaimer:
    This link has nothing to do with this game. I'm posting it here simply because this is a hockey channel and I'm trying to get as much exposure as possible for this video because this is simply about a 14 year old girl getting her favorite player's autograph in 1981 on a poster – with her name in that autograph – and then someone stole it from her a couple of years later. That girl is me. It's 40 years later and I'm STILL looking for my poster. 😟
    So, if anyone knows where a bare-chested Gretzky poster with his autograph and the words "To Jenella love Wayne Gretzky xo #99" on it may be now, I'd sure love to hear from you.
    (Who steals a young girl's autographed poster when her name is on it, anyways? 😳)
    So please take a look at the video and please share, whether you like or hate ANY team; this is about ALL hockey fans who understand how special it is for a young child to get her idol's autograph… and how devastating it is to have it stolen, knowing full well she'll never get another chance to get that poster signed😓… it's shorter than 2 minutes and the full story is below the title. Thanks in advance to anyone who understands what I'm saying and shares my story. 😊 This is my link… https://youtu.be/P4BUBpx6HGE

  9. That punk is a total scumbag. If I was on the ice he would've been taken care of. He got a target on his back from now on…

  10. Stanely should be suspended for his elbow to Perry for the Hab's second goal. Totally intentional and cheap. I was rooting for the Jets, but now am disgusted at the cheap shots. Go Habs.

  11. Harnarayan Singh is a way better play by play announcer than these guys. He's not nearly as biased…

  12. Don't like getting hit? Or watching people get hit? Then don't watch hockey. Evans comes around the net, head down, and in possession of the puck. So, he got hit, which is only appropriate. He was one hundred percent intent on getting that goal, and Scheifele was one hundred percent intent on hitting him. It's what I expect to see when I tune in to watch the game. Until there is a whistle, and at least one second of time has passed since said whistle, Evans is entirely liable to get hit. When an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object, exciting things happen. Sometimes the result is good, sometimes it's bad…regardless it's sufficiently exciting to compel me to actually bother to watch. If the NHL, sports commentators, and keyboard warriors want to neuter the game of hockey, this is of course all of y'all's choice entirely. However, when knee-jerk over-emotional assessments (of how the game is played) are now used to determine how policy is made, will that cause viewership to increase or decrease? Hey, I know! Let's get rid of hitting and fighting altogether! Yes. This will certainly keep people entertained (sarcasm). Warning: less viewers equals less money. With less money available, will anyone be interested in playing this game at a professional level? I have my doubts.

  13. Anyone here after Winnipeg got swept?

    Scheifele done goofed big time with that vicious hit on Evans. He lit a fire under Montreal.

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