@Flames de Calgary

Noah Dobson Wires Home OT-Winner pour compléter son retour contre les Flames de Calgary

Regardez le défenseur des Islanders de New York, Noah Dobson, télégraphier le vainqueur du match en prolongation en supériorité numérique pour couronner un retour tardif des Islanders contre les Flames.


  1. Can anyone here truthfully sympathize with me here; as a Flames fan; That the Flames absolutely suck? I’m a Flames fan. I can’t stand sitting around and trying to be nice to what is clearly an inconsistent, discombobulated team. Not all of the players, but the team overall, as a franchise and the philosophy that guides them in how they play.

  2. Lol at the Calgary announcers trying to blame the refs instead just acknowledging that was a dumb penalty to take at ANY point in the game, much less OT

  3. Lol @ them blaming the refs. Don't take dumb penalties especially at dumb times.

    But no.. rEfS riGGed gAmE

  4. We had no business winning that game. We played one period of hockey. Hopefully this season will be the opposite of last year when it seemed we didn't get any breaks. LGI

  5. You guys sound like the bruins the refs wah wah. The new york saints steal another one

  6. Great game but brutal reffing no need to call Anderson’s love tap at the end… pre big flop.. and no I’m not a flames fan.

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