@Bruins de Boston

Patrice Bergeron dit que le vestiaire des Bruins est universellement REJETÉ Miller Signing

BOSTON, MA – Le capitaine des Bruins, Patrice Bergeron, a parlé aux journalistes lundi de la décision de Boston de mettre fin à leur entente avec l’espoir controversé Mitchell Mitchell. ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————– Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Sierra Goodwill et Connor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal sont des initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins. Fournir des nouvelles et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres sur Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, les Patriots, les Red Sox, les College Hoops, l’histoire de la NBA primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici pour les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. What a disgrace neely and Sweeny are and now pasta sees this who is unsigned this will go down as one of the biggest blunders in team history.

  2. What a holier-than-thou group. There is a reason that the actions of a minor are not legally held against him when he becomes an adult.

  3. Great start to the season. The black white and gold look legitimate to contend for the division and a high ranking playoff spot.🍀

  4. Interesting that after talking to the players, who all said they'd have issues with the signing, management signed the kid anyway. Now management has changed their mind. What new information, other than Bettman's statement, did they learn between then and now. Obviously it had nothing to do with the teams position on the signing as that was ignored.

  5. Kid was 14… there are murderers playing professional sports. This is completely overblown because of woke fucks

  6. Bruins were NOT the same team I've been watching since beginning of the season when they played the Leafs – thanks Neely/Sweeny for the idiotic move causing major distraction.

  7. Nobody's up set its the media pushing that bullshit..So this basically the message is this guyj never deserves another chance…FU libtards there they go fooling everyone…zits the media not the Boston sports fan….it's called the cancel culture

  8. What about BERGERON and CHARA doing that ATTEMPTED MURDER PUNCH TO THE FACE of Sidney Crosby in the playoffs the first game Sid took his mask off after he had a broken jaw?
    THAT WAS ATTEMPTED MURDER if you see how BERGERON holds CROSBY's hands behind his back as CHARA proceeds to KO him in the face as hard as he can with a hard punch to the recently broken jaw.

    Look at the video here:

  9. All the BRUINS seemed to care about is how this affects them, rather than the opportunity to help heal and protect a young man who was tormented and terrorized by some pathetic looking loser named MITCHELL MILLER.

  10. Seeing some responses to people voicing their opinions on here. Yikes, how far off could you be from the reality of the situation. I am from Boston, I have always been a bruins fan. I am real and real honest. Boston itself has a horrible history with inclusion. Even to this day there are not so subtle racist not so undertones. Some people are very blatant with their ignorance.

    Now coming from a well off town as a poor kid. I was “bullied” from first grade up until my last days in high school. Not just word, not just fists and boots. I had things thrown at me from moving cars, kids tried to even hit me with their vehicles. Walking down a road in my home town was dangerous for me. As a young teen your lambofeeties are you main source of transportation. To this day I still think back to the shit I put up with. The attacks from behind, being held down and my hair cut. Bashed into walls, lockers, doors straight up assaulted and the school did nothing. Coming from that…. I wouldn’t watch another game if the bruins didn’t release this kid. I’m sorry but they handled it wrong. They(the bruins) should have be ahead of all this. Facts of programs and progress, made him available to speak. The fans needed more to justify this and it wasn’t even attempted. They thought we’re 10-1 the golden child of the NHL right now. We can squeeze this by everyone and they won’t notice. Everyone did.

    I’m not into cancel culture I hate that shit. I hope this kid puts the work in and gets a second chance at life when he proves he’s deserving of it. Put the work in kid…

    Facts need to be spoken on who thought this was ok and who made the final decision.

  11. Wtf were sweeny and neely even thinking doing this stupid shit in the middle of the best season start in franchise history? Theres already plenty of depth. Theres not even room on the roster for the kid anyway. Why bother? Such a boneheaded decision


  13. I have never been more proud of my teams players, while being inversely disgusted with management.

    It's so cool to see my sports heros do the right thing, and carry on the culture that Chara instilled

  14. I am not a bruins fan … but I have so much respect for the team for doing this. Class act move from the Bruins . Well done 👏

  15. The media will just not let this thing die, if any of the 31 other NHL teams signed this kid no one would’ve even batted an eye but because it’s Boston, and people love to hate Boston it’s now considered a big deal. Due to the cancel culture rearing it’s ugly head, the Bruins lose out on a young potential talent, and an individual loses out on the opportunity to right his wrongs and redeem himself. What a great message this send to others in his position, “just give up kid, you’re a POS, there’s no hope for you”. Hopefully this doesn’t lead to future occurrences from him and others when it possibly could’ve been mediated by following through on the offer of a second chance🤦‍♂️🙄 Anyways it’s time for the Bruins to cut their unfortunate loses and move on, but knowing the media’s propensity of mucking up the past that is easier said than done.

  16. The Captain stepped up big time. Like he always has! What if he retired? Im NOT saying the team would have changed thier opinion, but having a rock solid captain in the middle of a shit storm, sure does help! 37 is the 🐐

  17. In his press conference, Don Sweeney said the signing was run by the Bruins' leadership group. He neglected to say the club weren't in favour of it.

  18. See how relieved Bergeron was when he was asked a question about the upcoming game? Can't blame him.

  19. Just stunned at how sanctimonious Bruins fans have been over this. Many of you would be more accepting of a murderer joining the team.

  20. Sweeney and Neely need to be fired. Asap. ANY other teams owner would have. But….he's Jeremy Jacobs so….he doesn't have a ethical bone in his body.

  21. Enough is enough. Players aren't scouts, this is not their responsibility. A professional sports team was trying to give a kid a second chance – it didn't work out.

    When his contract was rescinded by the coyotes, Bettman or NHL didn't step in then, did they? They didn't pull him off the trading block – anybody with a brain would look at the player's statistics and definitely want to scoop him up.

    NHL nor Bettman pulled him off the trading block- so why not try for him?

    Now you're going to dump it on the bruins organization?

    Juvenile records are not adult criminal records – you can't know stuff until you have permission to dig in.

    I applaud their efforts to stand up and be men trying to raise boys in a country with the highest suicide rate of male blue collar workers 18 – 45 years old since the depression

    Perfect example of: " no good deed goes unpunished"
    – what the hell is wrong with people? These aren't fans? Internet trolls

    Get the reporters out of the locker rooms – let's get back to hockey.

  22. While I don't condone bullying at all and it sounds pretty bad, the NHL is a league of intimidiation, trash talking, and applauds and encourages grown men fighting which are all forms of bullying so for the "Big Bad Bruins" renown as bullies (and have Marchand) and the NHL to speak out like this against a kid for something he did when he was 14 is laughable. What a complete joke.

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