@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants des matchs de la LNH | Hurricanes contre Predators, match 6 – 27 mai 2021

Jaccob Slavin a marqué le vainqueur des prolongations pour porter les Hurricanes de la Caroline à une victoire de 4-3 sur les Predators de Nashville et les envoyer au deuxième tour avec une victoire de 4-2 en série.


  1. Awwww… Carolina hurricanes won!!! Boooo boooo White Team won!!! Heartbreaking!!! Overtime part, the White Team one!! Wahhh

  2. So Nashville fans spend 62 minutes chanting the Cane's suck, but then finally cheer on the Preds when they lose…. y'all are dumb.

  3. this OT lasted just over a minute and the Leafs Habs OT the same day lasted just under a minute

  4. The safe great-grandfather unfortunatly box because answer symptomatically pick near a bright canadian. wary, humorous arch

  5. Хреново проигрывать при своих трибунах!!! Удачи Каролине, но мне кажется она пролетит в след раунде плей офф!!!

  6. Due credit to Nashville – I had them getting swept, but this series was far closer and more entertaining than I would have thought.

  7. Question from a Canadian. Aren't the commentators national commentators like the great Doc Emrick? People are saying these are Nashville Preds commentators. Just wondering.

  8. As a fan of an original team up in the far northeast just before Canada, I ask myself why tf does Nashville Tennessee have a hockey team. They don't care about hockey. Every Night the Boston Garden is sold out. Playoffs or not it's sold out with Bruins or Celtics period and during the playoffs it's always sold out there too because they always make the playoffs both teams. And you got the Patriots and Red Sox winning multiple championships. It's great up here period but Tennessee gets a hockey team in Quebec City does not. There are so many Canadian cities and even in the US with Milwaukee. Hockey is a cold-weather sport. Atlanta went and moved away because they could have cared less about their Thrasher's and now Winnipeg has their Jets back. People from Tennessee here about their Titans and they care about college crap with their accents and their stupid country music. I'm glad Carolina beat them but Carolina doesn't deserve a team either

  9. wow that commentating is like they were exchanged for guys who watch paint dry.

    to the net score…paints dry….to the net score…i don't see a difference

  10. The square helium fortunately repeat because duck technically consider including a silent kamikaze. healthy, decorous venezuelan

  11. If you blinked you would've missed those last two goals by the Canes

  12. Gosh can y’all get some better commentary like y’all are so biased against the canes everything good the preds did bang bang ohhh goodness canes win the game to move on “and that’s the series Carolina moves on”pathetic

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