@Ducks d'Anaheim

Trevor Zegras marque un incroyable but de style crosse qui est exclu après examen du hors-jeu

Regardez l’attaquant des Ducks d’Anaheim Trevor Zegras marquer un autre but incroyable de style crosse contre le Wild du Minnesota pour qu’il soit exclu après un examen du hors-jeu.


  1. How to fix offside challenge:
    1. Goal must occur within
    15 seconds of puck crossing the blue line
    2. 3 minute review max.

    This will speed up reviews, allow for human error, and force the officials hands regarding overturning. If they can't conclusively make the call within 3 minutes, it's inconclusive and the call on the ice stands.

    NHL you're a professional league. Act like it

  2. So why not just skate it all the way from your own net with it on your stick? That's next. I'm all for them doing whatever. I'm also all for dudes getting pissed and absolutely TRUCKING Zegras next time he comes around those tracks🤣. It's easy to defend if your not laying on the ice like all the wild players!

  3. Maybe this type of goal will be a statistic in the NHL and Zegras will be the all time leader with 44 by the end of his career.

  4. The challenging for offside rule is so Fkn stupid! At least there should be a change to where the goal have to be within 5-10 seconds after the offside for it to be up for challenge.. So in theory you can enter the zone 2 seconds into the period, control the play for 19 minutes, then score, and the goal wouldnt count? Cant wait until this rule comes to Sweden and ruins the SHL as well!

  5. This will be the last year the nhl has offsides reviews, they are seriously ruining the game, i understand the importance but even as a hardcore hockey fan, it's hard to sit around through these reviews every single game. there must be an idea to keep the reviews and not bring the game to a grinding halt

  6. Was it offside? I guess, sure. Here’s the better question: did the offsides meaningfully impact the play?

  7. Once offside reviews entered NHL usually a case of just one inch ruins the game completely. If they put half the effort in making better calls overall..

  8. As a fan who wanted offside reviews….. I was wrong I'm sorry. I hate every offside review even if it's favorable to my team. It is so annoying

  9. can't wait to see someone crush this kid as he whips around the net for this all-luck no-skill pure cheese goal. i'm sure all 187 fans in attendance would be upset

  10. First of all I am a Zegras fan. Love his speed and skill, Great for the game………..HOWEVER………….
    IF this is now going to be a legit hockey play and players can elevate their stick blade with a puck on it to cross bar height….It only stands to reason that a goalie now has EVERY right to meet his stick blade at the same height to stop that play.
    Follow me so far?……….so in other words, if I am a goalie and I see that it's Zegras circling my net, I have EVERY right to swing my goalie stick to my top corner to intercept his attempt.
    It has to be. If players can bring their sticks that high, so should goalies.
    Does having goalies with their sticks that high become dangerous?…..Possibly.
    But then so is having Zegras' stick at that height.
    The League has to make a decision on this. Goalies have historically adapted their play and equipment to what
    is evolving in front of them…..this is no different. I just hope a top skill player like Zegras doesn't get hurt in the process.

  11. This offside rule is the worst ever. They need to make a change immediately. Amazing no goal goal tho.

  12. This is the Mike Legg. Not the Michigan.

    One guy came up with it, not the whole state.

  13. A fun hypothetical: what if a team carries the puck into the offensive zone 5 seconds into a period and somehow manages to keep the puck there for 19 minutes without breaks and scores in the last minute AND the it's challenged and determined to be offside. Now we get to rewind the clock back 19 minutes and play the period again. 🤣 I think there needs to be a limit to how far back the review can go.

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