@Canucks de Vancouver

Rick Dhaliwal sur la situation de Boudreau, l’ingérence dans la propriété des Canucks, Rutherford, l’avenir de Horvat, Demko

Rick Dhaliwal nous donne ce qu’il entend sur l’avenir de l’entraîneur-chef Bruce Boudreau et du capitaine Bo Horvat. Nous entrons également dans le mauvais jeu de Thatcher Demko et ce qui pourrait le rendre malade, le prochain mouvement de Jim Rutherford, Tanner Pearson et les Lions de la Colombie-Britannique. Présenté par @Great Clips & @Donnie and Dhali Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP424 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https://linktr.ee/SekeresAndPrice https:/ /twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.cheknews.ca/shows/donnie-… https://www.greatclips.com


  1. This team is a f'cking joke! Regardless of who's ever in charge.. Why bring Bruce back in the first place if you were just going to bash the dude in the media?! Literally from the start Rutherford hasn't had one nice to say about Bruce..
    This team's defensive core is horrific! No coach can win with it..
    They've got a #2 in Hughes.. Two #4s trending into #5s in OEL + Myers.. a #5 in Bear & a fuck ton of #6s & #7s.. Some of the guys #8s on some teams..
    Trade some Forwards & get some Defence. This franchise is among the worst in all of sports.

  2. If Bruce doesn't change his ways, then he will be fired. That is what Rutherford says. It is clear and simple.

  3. Always enjoy watching these. I just really hope we do something. Anything. By this I mean to our structure and roster

  4. Sign Bo, trade miller at the deadline for at least a 1st, then attach 1st on trade to get rid of OEL contract

  5. It’s actually better to be in crisis this year.. the year to fucking suck is THIS YEAR. Stay the course, trade Miller if it’s at all possible and resign go if you can.

  6. Exactly Rick said it: "you end up picking sides" this is what Rutherford has now created. Sides. Conflict. Turmoil.

  7. This was all caused by ownership's refusal to do a proper rebuild when it was necessary. Trevor Linden wanted to do one and he's not working for the Canucks as a result, however that specifically went down. Now, whether they want to do one or not, it's basically impossible because of the flat cap. No team is going to take on Vancouver's high priced, older forwards without a significant sweetener. We saw what it took to get rid of Dickinson and he was only $2.5 against the Cap. My guess is that the offers for JT Miller were around a 1st and a B+ prospect if that. They should have taken it and run. But there's a good chance ownership did what they always do, saw how well the Canucks did under Bruce, as many teams do under a new coach, and misread the tea leaves. So, as they couldn't make a move to improve the back end, they beefed up the top 6 even more and thought they could ride Demko to a similar result. Championship teams don't promise playoffs every year. Canadian teams do. Championship teams don't make promises because they often start off in a rebuilding phase and nobody knows what's going to happen from there. But the Canucks never had a rebuild. As a result, they have a lot of expensive, untradeable assets. Nobody is going to take Miller on with that contract kicking in next year, which means Bo has to go – and probably Kuzmenko too – for next to nothing.

  8. These last two games are on Rutherford's completely out of line comments. Worst two games of the year in my opinion. For the very slow, last year Benning brought in 16 new players, this year new management brought in 11 and two new coaches. There is always going to be and adjustment period for all the players and coaches to be on the same page. When they are not on the same page the players go out there and don't know what they are doing, which results in "thinking" which is the kiss of death. At this level of sport you don't have time to think on the ice, you have to open your eyes and ears and react the way you "know" you should. Knowing happens with practices and understanding the game plan. Last year it took 25 games for them to stop thinking a start playing. How many games this year is anybody's guess. The President throwing the coaches and the players under the bus worked reeeeeeal good didn't it?

  9. None of you know anything. Three clowns who know less then the average fan. Get a life.

  10. U guys r a bit overkill w Bruce, he shouldn’t be fired this early and for what he’s working with

  11. With all the changes I have observed definite increase in skill, speed, toughness. However, they are not close to being a team. Myers, Demko, and a couple others have been at best average. Miller has been for a lack of better word . . . odd. Brilliant to WTH? The Management Group has created turmoil with the coach instead of making the necessary moves on the ice.

  12. The coach is getting fired sooner than later Yet it should be Jim and his management team
    Yet the president did not get the right pieces in the off season or move JT Miller ..Was the price to high or no body wanted him ..hmm..This franchise is in trouble .You 3 blame the coach yet the players are not playing for the pay cheques they take home ..This back and forth blaming game is not building good team spirit

  13. Very good insight from Rick as usual.

    Matt – you made it sound like trading Miller was so easy last season… nobody gave a good enough offer!!!
    Blake and Matt – obviously Bruce couldn't just put whoever he wants on the ice, how apparent is it that Stillman/OEL/Myers all have to play because of mgmt's micro-management instead of letting Bruce actually do his job (additionally how angry should we collectively be with two non-NHL caliber assistant coaches).

  14. Trade JT get a 1st and a prospect and use this pick to get rid of OEL as a Sweetener. It frees up money to sign Bo plus it frees up money for a Top 4 D. Do what Phoenix did to Vancouver.

  15. What’s with the VAN reminder, yes we know where we’re from. Suckeres looks like a washed up boys’ band member.

  16. No offence to Rick but I think he is a Rutherford guy. He makes Rutherford sound like he can do no wrong. Like I said a couple of weeks ago let Bruce coach and Rutherford and Allvin be management but let the coach coach the team.

  17. This team played their best without structure, all this season there's been talk about adding structure, they bring in new assistant coaches that handle the structure and guess what, the team sucks again. I don't even understand what firing Bruce would do at this point, JT Millers effort level in the defensive zone isn't something you can coach away. The PK turned it around last year after they changed coaching staff, they stopped playing the static system Green and his assistants had in place and then this year the new assistant coach Mike Yeo has them back to playing a static rubbish system that just doesn't work with this group.

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