@Flames de Calgary

Après-match | Sutter – 17.11.22

« Je pense que dans les tranchées, c’était un peu dur pour certains d’entre nous »


  1. We need sharper knives. Or to use our knives with more coordination, at least.

  2. The mayor of munchkin land here should just go back to his ranch. Not like he’s coaching a team interested in winning.

  3. I love this team. I love Sutter. But they simply aren't good enough. Tired of watching a mediocre team for decades. Brutal, Boring Hockey.

  4. How about revisiting having a captain..a core in locker room a nice complement to Coach Sutter. His presence is a strong one. Team needs a sense of coming together ..this is a really fine group..capable of getting more than their fair share of wins game to game. Let’s solidify team identity. Plenty of character in the room.

  5. We lost two 100+ point players in TK and Gaudreau who had built chemistry for years. We have a completely new team that has not played together. Give it time…. And bench Markstrom lol

  6. Markstrom needs to earn his pay check he’s killing our monument whenever we score one he lets in a softie that crushes the team’s spirit

  7. Stop playing Marky…everyone else has to earn their spot. Clown can’t go a single game without a bad goal. Deflates the team night in and night out.

  8. He doesn’t even answer questions properly after losses, he just cuts them off and gives a stupid answer as if he can’t acknowledge the losses may be in little part due to his coaching decisions, the ego on this guy is killing the team right now

  9. 40 shots…..maybe 10 quality shots? wrist shots from just inside the blue line on the rush are not going to do it and in my opinion is poor decision making. They have to make smarter plays and hold possession longer to find more quality chances. Hope and a prayer is all I see.

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