@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Qui est-ce? J’ai trouvé ce maillot de pingouins vintage à la friperie la semaine dernière et je voulais demander qui est-ce ? Merci!

Qui est-ce? J’ai trouvé ce maillot de pingouins vintage à la friperie la semaine dernière et je voulais demander qui est-ce ? Merci!



  1. ScratchMoore

    Looks like Barasso’s face, but most likely that’s Generic Goalie #21.

  2. AdjectivesOfInsanity

    Wregget, Barasso, LaLime?

  3. markr6629

    Thats 100% Barrasso. Mask, pillow pads and blocker, lefty, and his face. Not the weird spooky masked one though

  4. NateBoomer

    From the white blocker I’m thinking Barasso.

  5. JackiesFetus

    This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen.

  6. Blocker is on the left hand. Its definitely barrasso.

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