@Kraken de Seattle

Message d’appréciation de Shane Wright

Message d’appréciation de Shane Wright



  1. shot-by-ford

    There’s no reason for this post other than to say I appreciate Shane Wright and his family a lot. He’s been an absolute prince since arriving. For such a hyped guy, have you heard a squeak from or about him? No! Dude just came here and got to work and is taking what he’s given and making the most of it. His path has been so much harder than, say, Matty’s, and for that reason I am very grateful to him for handling it so well.


    Can’t wait for his proper rookie year! We’re going to have two Calder winners in a row!

  2. TripleBicepsBumber

    They seem like good people ❤️

    I’m really happy that we got to draft him

  3. In_the_crowd

    I hope it works out well for him. I would absolutely love to have im in the Calder race season 23/24. And after all what happened I would absolutely love to see him win!

  4. Kid is awesome, and I’m glad it seems like the front office is doing their best to work with him and help him have as successful a year as possible. I look forward to watching him play for many seasons to come!!

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