@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Bruins @ Lightning 11/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Bruins de Boston au Lightning de Tampa Bay


  1. In Tampa I would have forgiven the guys a break from winning. But they just keep going! The Bruins fan from Good Old Germany freezes in admiration 🙂

  2. I know Boston is really good but I’m upset with how bad the lightning looked. They started the game great but they just straight up disappeared in the 2nd period. Boston seems to make every team look like dogshit tho, so it’s kinda forgivable.

  3. Bruins proving they’re the best team in the league. Congrats to Bergy for 1000. Marchys reaction was awesome and why everybody he plays with loves him.

  4. Number 35, Linus Benchmark 🙂 And if he sways once, we still have our second man! It's time for kudos to goaltending coach Bob Essensa! You win the games in the front, but the championships in the back (quote from Bruno Huebner, former German soccer player).

  5. Boys, let's enjoy the win, never seen a start like this but still a long season ahead, goal is to stay healthy, one game at a time.

  6. Congrats to Bergeron for hitting that huge milestone! Boston is playing amazing right now, with NJ hanging right there with them. That's looking like a very possible ECF match up.

  7. Props to the classy Tampa fans, who cheered Bergeron's achievement.

  8. I can’t wait till Boston plays my Oilers😅😂😢 we’re going to get steam rolled🤣

  9. Congrats to my fav player Bergeron. What an absolute class act. Wish every pro athlete was like him. Such a really good person. On a side note, that was def Lindholm’s worst game. Both of Tampa’s even strength goals came because of bad turnover by him. He’s been so good this year that it really stood out when he didn’t play well. Still I’ll take it cause he’s been unreal this year. Keep it going boys!

  10. Bruins played ok to good. But Tampa Bay? Sloppy, sloppy, and sloppy! The puck handling in the Tampa end by Tampa defensemen was bad. And leaving Bruin players standing in front of the net to knock in easy rebounds? That goal by Pasternak was unforgivable. Leave one of the most deadly shooters in the NHL camped out on the left side of your net with nobody on him? This is not the Tampa Bay team that won 2 Stanley Cups. Tampa's offense is nothing but dump and chase right now. That is not going to cut it against a good opponent.

  11. I am fan of the Niners, Celtics and the Bruins and all of them had played last night so winning 2 out of 3 is not a bad result but sometimes in life you need 3 screens.
    I am from Europe and watching all 3 games at the same time in the middle of the night was not a easy task so it was tough night for me, I feel this morning like I was working 12 hours in a mine

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