@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

DJ Smith, Nick Holden et Claude Giroux Disponibilité d’après-match – 21 nov. 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith, le défenseur Nick Holden et l’attaquant Claude Giroux après le match de ce soir contre San Jose. 0:00 DJ Smith 1:41 Nick Holden 4:12 Claude Giroux


  1. teams so boring to watch. im so sick of the dump and chase crap. why dump the puck in if you can't even get it back

  2. Makes a shit team okay, makes a good team shit.
    2019-2020: Moderately exceeded expectations, expected to be like the Red Wings that year.
    2021: Kinda exceeded expectations by not being last in the divison
    2021-2022: Starts getting exposed for not knowing how to use his players
    2022-2023: Invokes his own Ducharmist-hockey terrorism, yet another wasted season within the first 20 games

    He was a good coach for the rebuilding Sens but when it's time to compete, his time has come.

  3. I know that no one is changing, a lot of people are hurt Norris being out did hurt the teams playoff chances, I new that was the day the team died.

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