@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Brady Tkachuk, Thomas Chabot, Derick Brassard et Mathieu Joseph Disponibilité d’après-match 25 nov. 2022

Écoutez les attaquants Brady Tkachuk, Derick Brassard et Mathieu Joseph ainsi que le défenseur Thomas Chabot après la victoire des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Ducks d’Anaheim. 0:00 Brady Tkachuk 2:11 Thomas Chabot 5:25 Derick Brassard 7:22 Mathieu Joseph


  1. Great special teams. Let's hope the boys can carry it on to L.A! Winning against LA would mean they are 0.500 on the road trip despite an awful game in SJ.

  2. Congratulations Ottawa Senators on winning against the Anaheim Ducks this afternoon. Let’s start a win streak

  3. Hopefully debrincat isn't out with bruised ribs. He will feel that tomorrow for sure

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