@Blackhawks de Chicago

Juraj Slafkovsky lent à se lever après un coup violent de Jason Dickinson

Regardez l’attaquant des Canadiens de Montréal Juraj Slafkovsky recevoir un coup dur de l’attaquant des Blackhawks de Chicago Jason Dickinson et mettre du temps à se relever de la glace. Aucune pénalité n’a été imposée sur le jeu.


  1. He's getting closer, ever closer, to understanding our hockey culture. He's gonna be fine.

  2. It was a clean hit. The announcers got it right. He was extending himself too far forward and made his head vulnerable. The kid's going to learn. But good to see a mild appropriate response from the rest of the Habs. No need for fisticuffs there.

  3. It’s about time someone rocked that incel’s world! Did he or didn’t he get Dickinson to the face? 😂

  4. Ya can't be reaching like that, also need to keep your head on a swivel, Dickenson didn't really blind side him but Slafkovsky got caught reaching and watching the puck. He'll survive and learn something from this.

  5. barely clipped his head luckily. slafkovsky made hiimself extremely vulnerable and that coulda been a lot worse for him

  6. Meanwhile, American football players all got sympathetic concussions just by watching that hit and now the whole season needs to be cancelled.

  7. So, you have number 1 pick at 18 playing 4th line and being hit hard and not finishing game every other time…interesting development strategy planned for this kid, who is in parallel 3+2 with second lowest icetime on team. Must be super motivational.

  8. This is the problem with these tall wiry kids, never had to learn to protect their head cause they’ve always been much bigger than everyone else growin up

  9. Although I dont condone players being intentionally hurt and injured, No sympathy for slavkovsky and after what he did to Matt Luff during the Wings/MTL game. This is a little karma

  10. Is that commentator blind ? I don’t think the head was the point of contact, the kids neck spun 100 degrees on contact

  11. The fact Juraj was reaching out for the puck and lowered his head, he put himself in a vulnerable position. He has the size and strength to punish NHL Dmen. He needs to stay tall and anticipate guys coming at him. Be the aggressor. GHG

  12. People saying he was reaching, what was he not supposed to play the puck? The other player had zero intention to even look at the puck went straight for the hit… that’s not fair how are you supposed to play if you never know when someone’s gonna play the puck with you or just come charging towards you for a hit

  13. Slaf needs to play more or he's going to get hurt. He needs to be more engaged in the game.

  14. If every single open ice hit results in a scrum and whistle then what is the point of still having body checks ? The new generation cant take a hit and its ruining games. Either take the hit or make it illegal. But these lousy scrums with guys who cant fight is a waste of time and momentum.

  15. He always has a chance of scoring it’s a good sign he’s going to be a incredible player

  16. There should have been a penalty called on that I feel. Good to know Arber Xhekaj put some fear into Jason Dickinson after that

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