@Flames de Calgary

Matthew Phillips a été nommé @TheAHL Joueur du mois de novembre !

Matthew Phillips a été nommé @TheAHL Joueur du mois de novembre !



  1. deadletterauthor

    The AHL’s leading scorer notched 18 points (9g, 9a) in 12 games including 3 game-winning goals.

  2. CaptinDerpII

    I know I said this yesterday, but I would literally suck a dick for Matthew Phillips to get called up

  3. Don’t know what more this guy has to do to get called up. Just give the man a chance on the NHL roster.

  4. Bradthelamb

    Sutter seeing this like 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯

  5. Bob-Loblaw-Blah-

    I remember when « always earned, never given » was the team motto. Obviously not the case anymore. We give washed up players like Rooney 1.5 mil and bury home grown talent doing everything they can to earn a spot.

  6. BreastMilkPopsicles

    Yeah but Rooney, Lucic and Lewis are just a lot of fun to have on the road trips, you know?

  7. X-Filer

    He’s going to be called up soon. These numbers and results are impossible to ignore. He’s proven himself in the a now give him a real chance brad

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