@Flames de Calgary

Après-match | Sutter – 01.12.22

« Gagner partout sauf là où ça compte. »


  1. So he has Lucic who could be replaced with 5 Wrangles who would score the 1 goal we lose by. But Sutter won't do it because of some weird, tank the season so Lu doesn't get sent down, 1943 thinking? And he'a a good coach? How? How, if we need 1 more goal here and there you keep a guy who has scored zero goals in 83 game? How???? 1 guy Lucic should be sent down and ANY Wranglers ent up for 20 game stint. Lucic GETS YEARS OF DOING NOTHING TO WIN… but say "atta boy" in the dressing room as a loser non playoff leader???
    Garbage 1942 thinking from Sutter. You need a couple of goals? Then ditch Lucic and send a message.
    It's like opposite Earth where the fuckups never get benched or sent down to make way for goal scorers, and guys who make BIG SAVES not let in 3 of 10 shots 10 times in 22 games Like Markstrom does.
    MAGIC ISN"T REAL DARRYL! WISHING the 83 games Lucic hasn't scored will somehow save the team with Bad Leadership when he hasn't saved one team in 5 years is just wishing.

    When any 1 of 5 WRanglers can score more goals than zero in 83 games would make us %630 but they never get to score and win games for the Flames because Loser Leader Licic has their spot.
    1943 Brain on the subject of "Leadership".
    So Leadership+ Lucic = LOSING so……… is he a GOOD leader or a BAD no goal scoring leader who Darryl thinks is still in LA years ago like they are both in a fucking time warp????
    Send Lu down… bring up anyone. Start Vladar. Easy on paper get with the program decisions.

    Lucic is 5 years dead. We have sacrificed 50 goals in 82 games but not playing anyone else. He is about to be a goal a game never score murderer of this season. Patience my ass.

    Imagine even 30 more goals from Zary or Peltier or fucking anyone except Never score "atta boy" Leader into LOSING Lucic. Enough of his 5,5 million dollar free ride . Scowl? Zero expectations. Wish I could scowl, do nothing, keep goal scorers off the team and make 5.5 million.
    His "past performance" died 5 years ago so Sutter using his leadership is a cop out to not trying to win but instead be Mr 1943 for 1 guy. Garbage decision.
    And Vlad EARNED STARTING POSITION…. another Sutter lie that Vladdy can SEE!!!!! Soon Vlad will not try because he was told if you earn it you get it . He Earned it. Still the higher $$$ guy gets to tank the team with Lucic?
    Shity strategy. Unworkable "hope" strategy built on wishes and fingers crossed! Garbage way to win a cup.

  2. A lot a starters and not a lot of finishers.
    What would you rather have a lot of starters or finishers?

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