@Devils du New Jersey

Blackwood de retour à l’entraînement aujourd’hui 😬

Blackwood de retour à l’entraînement aujourd’hui 😬



  1. 6point3cylinder

    V-TECH has stolen his net. Let him have the backup spot with a very short leash. Hard to say he’s the definitive backup with how well Akira has played

  2. GoudaGoudaGoudaGouda

    Anybody else not excited for this at all? He only makes me nervous whenever he suits up

  3. Desperate-Ad3999

    Blackwood needs to be in and play (well) in the NHL this season to boost his summer trade value

  4. DrBrule696

    Imagine he comes back and plays lights out like he did that stretch before getting covid. I doubt it, but would love that timeline and a spicy goalie controversy as long as it’s all in good fun and doesn’t end with someone getting fed up or upset like Fleury in Vegas

  5. edibleentanglement

    “Whose gonna tell him?”

  6. Zestyclose_Estate248

    I wanna have faith in him. Hes gotta be hungry. How incredible would it be if he comes back and kicks ass?

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