@Flames de Calgary

[Salim Nadim Valji] J’ai demandé à Calgary Darryl Sutter de but en blanc sur la possibilité de rappeler Matthew Phillips, qui mène la AHL au chapitre des points… Échange complet :

[Salim Nadim Valji] J’ai demandé à Calgary Darryl Sutter de but en blanc sur la possibilité de rappeler Matthew Phillips, qui mène la AHL au chapitre des points… Échange complet :



  1. robochobo

    There’s the final nail in the coffin. I hope Phillips goes on to have a successful career outside of Calgary so he can stick it to this management group.

    Also Sutter’s antics are really starting to get tiring. It was amusing when the team was doing well but he’s just coming off like an ass for no reason now. Its starting to feel like giving him that extension might have been a bit premature…

  2. Less-Hunter7043

    Darryl isn’t wrong, just because he’s lighting up the AHL doesn’t mean he’s gonna magically come and fix an NHL team with bad goaltending and bad offense through all 4 lines

  3. CaptinDerpII

    So basically Darryl is saying

    *Fuck you, we’re not calling him up*

  4. SolidPromise3000

    Not even giving him a chance is so stupid when the NHL club is absolutely shit at any type of scoring. I hope Phillips leaves and light it up next year, he deserves better

  5. tSchab3r

    And how are we supposed to know he isn’t gonna come into the NHL and light it up when they won’t even give him the chance? Instead let’s play Lucic & Rooney 8-10 minutes a night to give the puck away

  6. had-me-at-bi-weekly

    Darryl knows that calling up Phillips means he will have to throw Lewis in the press box where he belongs. He cant do that to his golden child that was a passenger on a cup winning team 10 years ago.

    Edit: why the downvotes?

  7. TCScout

    Tampa’s gonna scoop him up St. Louis style aren’t they 😭😭😭😭

  8. Dr_Colossus

    So we have zero production now. So all Phillips would need to do is provide ANY production.

  9. d_downey

    Could Brad not just tell Sutter “ hey I’m calling him up and you are going to play him”.

  10. JustRedditingAlong

    Phillips will never be an impact player in the NHL. Downvote me if you like, but this is a fact and will be proven at the end of his career with little NHL relevance to show. I still think he is a great player – just not an NHL player. GO FLAMES GO

  11. CanadianSpector

    1. He’s not necessarily wrong 2. If Trevling wanted him up he would be up and it would be Sutters job to make it work.

    But everyone wants to make it about Sutter.

  12. Just trade Phillips at this point. Sutter isn’t going to play him, might as well see if we can get a player that Sutter will play.

  13. tritongamez

    Maybe if he wasn’t so meh this preseason he’d be getting called up… AHL production aside, he’s been so average whenever he does get chances to prove himself.

  14. Equipment_These

    As much as we love Darryl Sutter, he really knows how to piss off fans. Any rationale coach would think of giving Phillips a chance, but he just seems to want to fully shut down anything that’s not his idea/mold. He doesn’t seem know how to handle players as well, ie Huberdeau with the injury/shit comment. like come on, you should know how to motivate and keep your star players happy, but he just finds a way to piss them off. I know he’s got no reason to bend over for them, but he is a coach, he’s got to motivate all of them in different ways.

    We haven’t won anything with him so yah we have a right to criticize him as good as a coach as he is. or even ask reasonable questions. Imo Phillips deserve a shot, at least at some point in the year. Don’t put the guy down for being really good in the AHL and just let his game speak rather than trying to control the narrative. Sorry rant over

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