@Flames de Calgary

Autre côté – 05.12.22

Juuso Valimaki s’entretient avec les médias avant le match de ce soir au ‘Dome.


  1. Really sucks he had all the injuries he did with Calgary and was never really given an opportunity to work through struggles that young defenseman go through. Even hearing this interview he sounds happier. Good for the kid.

  2. I wonder how many players wish or hope they don’t get Drafted by Calgary!?

    It’s got to be the toughest team to get a “fair chance” and the hardest road to the NHL

    Mackey’s now in the same boat as Valimaki was and Matthew Phillips has been tearing up the AHL and Sutter still won’t give him a chance. You can tell in his tone, he’s not interested in using Phillips

    I like Sutter but boy is he stubborn and old school. Could use some more youth, speed & skill in the lineup AFAIC

    Happy to see Valimaki getting that chance elsewhere. I knew once given a chance he’d eventually prove he had value and something to offer in the NHL

  3. Juuso you were the token Finn defender I always wanted for my Flamers.

    I sent you a few ‘this sucks, keep your head up’ ‘why are you still in Stockton, this is shenanigans….plus I’m from San Jose and know Stockton is one of America’s worst cities….keep your head up (unless bullets are flying.’ You always responded to my well wishing with understated class. You played so well with the Heat during that final year and it is pretty damn obvious there was some insurmountable hurdle that would never land you on the Flames roster. And yet….you played great down there.

    Hell. You played great in Calgary. I’m not one to put down a neighbor while defending myself. But I’m Danish, not Finish and this is about you and a Swede O(liver)K. See what I did there. Wasn’t clever at all. OK #58 sucked so hard for so long for YEARS! The patience and leash given to that man before seemingly the entire fan base suddenly became drunk on a few highlight goals and blind to every single turnover.

    Ju(sso) know what? (I did it worse) NOW we have spent most of the season short a defensemen. Calling up guy who fails, then guy who fails, then guy who at least fights every game (all current roster names withheld….unless you are not on the continent OK).

    Jusso we can’t FINNISH games homie. You know who skates like a foreign ballerina all effortless and effective but male and of/or pertaining to recent Flaming defense? Uh. You get it. It’s Välimäki and that nice biblical fellow from Boston who plays with the (effective) Swede. I miss you. I love our coach, but if I had talent there is no way I’d have rehabbed injuries while tolerating Suttolitarian methods.

    Dude dude dude. My freshmen year of college, Playboy Magazine ranked the top party universities in the country for the first time in 32 years. For 32 years (many of which I had yet to be a beautiful mistake) my Chico State University in Northern CA was NUMBER ONE. We move into the dorms and suddenly a bomb drops….you kindly say ‘you’re a pretty naked woman and I respect you’ a dozen or so pages and THEN
    1) Arizona State Tempe Fucking Freeway Starbucks Employees Auto Enroll Online Fake Blonde ‘University’

    Ohhhhh man. We were mad. I love Calgary. One of the best cities on the planet if you want to be safe, raise a family, live a long life have public transit and a good job. You know, all that boring yet ‘nice to know…good job local government and residents. Stay classy.’ boring stuff.

    All I’m saying is Jusso (you so) not trying to settle down and relish in the number of trees or celebrate rates of access to healthcare.

    You had an entire childhood of amazing schools, clean air and reserved but culturally harmonious Suomi ways. I mean should we join NATO? Nay to NATO!

    Times they are a changin’. FUCKING EVEN LOOK AT FINLAND PUTIN. WE WILL….I’m getting off topic.

    Basically you can go home and have all that happy healthy stuff.

    Matthew Tkqchuk loved Calgary. He WOULD NOT love Cleveland. Why ‘Take My Talents to South Beach?’

    Well. We can use our imaginations. You have probably figured our my parallel here. Something about how Tempe is a great place to celebrate throwing your life away with some fairly attractive and somewhat intellectually sufficient people. You’ll have to fake the whole beach thing…….I know 110 is a different kind of sun than Miami. But ‘it’s a dry heat’ killer…..that humidity Chucky is sweating in at 82 is lame.

    Go get your winter sports on in Flagstaff. Go to a tacky Shamanic healing mindfulness crystal quantum equinox retreat in Sedona. You take care Jusso. You were just thrown into the playoffs all Makar style and played great. You always played great.

    I wish I understood stuff. But yeah, enjoy my introduction to Tempe, congratulations on surviving Stockton….and during all those years of ambiguity, just know I was the caller into Calgary postgame radio saying ‘WTF ABOUT JUSSO THO! THIA AINT RIGHT’

    Crude humor and general stupidity help me cope with loss. Keep it up Ju! Sso long of a career ahead.


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