@Islanders de New York

Islanders de New York vs Penguins de Pittsburgh : bagarre totale [2-11-11]

Mon but avec cette vidéo est de tout montrer. Tous les combats, toutes les rediffusions, etc. Si les gens veulent ensuite les couper et mettre des vidéos plus petites des combats individuels ou des coups qui se sont produits, ils le peuvent. C’est une chance pour les gens de tout voir, car c’était vraiment une folle soirée de hockey. Je n’ai jamais vu un jeu comme celui-ci. Et je pensais que le banc des Pens avait été décimé au cours du mois dernier, mais c’était fou. 17 combats majeurs 59 pénalités 300+ minutes de pénalité 9 fautes de jeu Les Penguins terminent le match avec 6 patineurs. Les Islanders en avaient 9. C’est une bonne rivalité, mais c’est ridicule. La LNH a vraiment laissé tomber la balle sur celui-ci. Ils devaient savoir que ce serait un jeu piquant, mais les arbitres semblaient abasourdis. Vous voulez une petite revanche sur Talbot ? D’accord, combattez-le comme un homme ou mettez-lui un coup solide, n’allez pas pour un coup de ventouse. Vous voulez vous venger de Johnson ? Marquez des buts sur lui, et ils l’ont fait. Mais ensuite, faites demi-tour et ternissez en faisant un pas en avant et combattez-le. Qu’a fait Tangradi ? Dois-je juste garder le comportement de crétin à ce moment-là? Imaginez si Matt Cooke était dans ce jeu…


  1. God, these announcers are such homers for the Pens. And people say Butch is a homer.

  2. 10:10 – Pittsburg Announcer : When your one of the worst teams in hockey & a Embarrassment ….. Every team goes threw there ups & downs butt this Pit announcer was just as Bad as the players who started fights in the Wrong way butt Since this Fight the Ny islanders just Kept getting BETTER !!!

  3. Pitts broadcasters are such punx. If Gillies fights it’s a crime but Goddard coming off the bench they all of a sudden go Stevie Wonder. Homers!

  4. This crap is exactly why the Penguins only won 3 cups with Crosby and Malkin so far. All you had to do was get under the Pens skin. It would get them off their game. When they started to "just play" and "play the right way", they won 2 cups. Let's see if they can just play Hockey this year 2021.

  5. Steigerwald and Errey were, in my mind, one of the most biased announcing teams I've heard in fifty years of following NHL hockey. During this clip, you can hear them slag the Islanders as the most embarrassing team in the league. While that may have been true at that time, there can be little debate that Steigerwald and Errey were not only themselves an embarrassment to the league, but to sports broadcasting in general. They were truly putrid.

  6. Pens announcers truly suck. 🤣. Feel bad for their fans to have such cheap shit commentary. Seriously. And I respect the Pens as a very skilled team. Sad.

  7. Penguins not only have the worst fans but their announcers deff pound each other out after every game.

  8. Years later it was revealed that this all started because someone told gillies that Talbot keyed his 78 Camaro in the parking lot…

  9. I can’t imagine how the locker room was when everyone that got thrown out met up😂 just watching your whole team slowly make their way to the locker room😂

  10. Mike Sullivan’s the only coach to argue a penalty with 3 players on his bench

  11. "He suffered some sort of whiplash which resulted in a concussion". Goebbels himself would be proud of Errey's propaganda. 😂

  12. Had no Respect for islanders or their fans after awhile when I saw this game

  13. I think they got their revenge on Talbot 😂. Pens announcers were the absolute worst in this era.

  14. Tangradi never recovered, his career was over at that point he just didn't know it.

    Penguins got what they deserved.

  15. Remember the game quite well. The night was basically the Islanders going after Talbot and basically cheap shotting him every chance they got.

  16. i’m a rangers fan and i gotta side with the isles with this game. pens were dirty all game long

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