@Canadiens de Montréal

DTWOM amélioré pour la victoire 4-2 de Montréal 2022-12-06

DTWOM amélioré pour la victoire 4-2 de Montréal 2022-12-06



  1. any_old_usernam

    They don’t ask you how, they ask you how many

  2. R4hmiel

    Is anyone else worried watching these, that when we’re good, they’ll go the other way?

  3. smolgoalboy

    Is it just me or do we never “deserve” to win? Lol

  4. facepollution5

    I thought the team who scored the most goals deserved to win? Guess I’ve been watching hockey wrong my whole life

  5. CaribouLegendaire

    habs win 100% of the time after 1 real game

  6. Seb_Nation

    These repetitive DTWOM kinda shows us that even doe we win -more often than anticipated- the team just isn’t that good aside from two players combined with central zone bounces luck and pretty poor goaltending against us. Considering our early quite easy strength of schedule to the season the luck-o-meter will flip at some point and against much better opposition, brave yourself.

  7. bigchongus-_-

    Yeah only 8 shots after 2 period didn’t help the meter

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