@Canucks de Vancouver

En tant que personne qui n’a pas regardé beaucoup de matchs cette année, 12 victoires, 27 pts, 10 places, ce n’est pas trop mal étant donné que l’équipe a connu un départ terrible. Accepter?

En tant que personne qui n’a pas regardé beaucoup de matchs cette année, 12 victoires, 27 pts, 10 places, ce n’est pas trop mal étant donné que l’équipe a connu un départ terrible. Accepter?



  1. NinCross

    Aside from 8 of those 12 wins being entirely unconvincing wins, sure.

  2. chocoball1972

    You sound like you must be Bruce Boudreau….haha….

  3. Iron_Seguin

    People seem to only look at the wins and not how they were done. 4 of the 12 wins were games where Vancouver allowed less than 3 goals. LA they beat 4-1, somehow beat Pittsburgh 5-1, Vegas 5-1 and Arizona they had to come from behind to win 3-2. The rest of the wins have had 3 or more goals.

    The crazy part is if they take say 5 of those 7 blown leads that lead to losses, the team is firmly in a playoff spot right now lol.

  4. WaxiestDinosaur

    The team is doing remarking well in the win column despite the struggles to start the season. I’m convinced that something went awry at training camp or some other malcontent in the locker room to start the season because those first 7 games were cursed. They still need to find a way to keep the puck out of the net, tighter defence and more confident goaltending, but we are trending up so let’s stay hopeful.

  5. Podkolzins_a_Canuck

    I don’t think so. Maybe I’d be more convinced if this wasn’t the same thing that has happened every other year. Team underperforms to some degree to start the season, then starts to somehow win games throughout glaring weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the roster, we’re just out of reach of the playoffs and chasing the second wildcard all season long, deadline comes around and we’re 6 points out, management refuses to sell, team makes weak push, miss playoffs by a few points, bad draft pick, clumsy offseason trying to “build off last year,” yadda yadda yadda cycle repeats

  6. Successful-Pea-9557

    I refuse to get excited about a team that has to score 6+ goals to win a game.
    In last years, I usually feel the Canucks record understates their ability but this year is the exact opposite. I have zero faith or hope in this current lineup.

  7. Sprookie07

    Look at the number of games played compared to other teams

  8. burnabybambinos

    I’ve been saying the same for awhile, but Redditors won’t have it. There’s a group of mid-tier rosters, of which VANs is superior to.

    But hey, just blow it up and get rid of your top line , that’ll work to make you better.

  9. Fri3dric3

    That GP right now is the bad part.

  10. The first 10 went a way it shouldn’t have, and the last 10 went a way it shouldn’t have. Honestly we’re right around where we should be, just in the weirdest most unpredictable way

  11. Imaginary-Ladder-465

    Not bad enough for top draft pick, not good enough for the playoffs, exactly where I thought they’d be

  12. salocin61

    Our offence is/can be great. Our defence is lacking big time…. Offence wins games, defence wins championships.

  13. Jkfurtz

    Tied with Colorado should be the bigger story. Shii

  14. goodkingrichard

    This team is built for mid-season success.

    As soon as playoffs approach and games become more meaningful, good teams find a way to shut down opposition scoring opportunities. That’s what I think the problem is – the Canucks seem *completely incapable* of this. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen the team with a lead in the third make so many crazy blind passes or risky pinches. You don’t have to sit on a lead, but you also can adjust so that when you attack you try to stay between your net and the player you are attacking.

    At first I thought it was just a structure thing, but honestly the team just seems absolutely incapable of tightening up defensively, especially when it matters most.

  15. JoLow1979

    Hey, tied in points with the defending champs. Even championship level teams have slow starts

  16. It is terrible. The draft is deep, trade everyone and stop winning games.

  17. dmancman2

    The Canucks way, finish 2 points out of a playoff spot get a middle of the road draft pick. Be mediocre. Has been this way for 11 years.

  18. snakpak_43

    They have been playing against the back up goalies a lot the last dozen games as well. Teams are taking us lightly.

  19. Zylstra_Logan

    The thing is, I can buy « good teams find a way to win »
    But if you need ot against Arizona, 7 goals and ot against Montreal, 6 goals and ot against San Jose, I’m not sure your a very good hockey team.

  20. If you look really closely, you can see Elias Pettersson dragging the Canucks upwards in the standings

  21. Well the damn glass is still half empty

  22. Inthemiddle_

    Canucks win a couple games. All is well, hold course. Canucks lose a couple, blow it up!! But seriously this team is no better then any other year even If they win the next 6 in a row. Which they usually do once a year then happen to miss the play offs.

  23. golden_c1utch

    Its honestly such bullshit that the two newest expansion teams are 2 of the best in the league.

  24. I disagree. Where the Canucks are, is the worst possible position to be in. They’re getting outplayed the majority of games and are feasting on bottom feeders. They’ve got enough talent to outscore their problems making them not good enough for the playoffs, and not bad enough to get a top draft pick.

  25. Toy_Dahl

    We’re simply managing our losses -_-

  26. SD_throwaway222

    If we’d started the season with a 5-game winning streak, notwithstanding we’d already have been planning the parade route… if the boys had then gone into a slump and lost a bunch… we’d be exactly here, rooting them on — come on boys, we got this, just a bad stretch, etc.

    TBH, I prefer this direction better. Things started like shit, and then some moves and attitude adjustments and whatever else… 8 wins in 11 games? Rather that be happening now than things going backwards. An OT win after being down 4-0? Can’t tell me that doesn’t bring a ton of confidence into the equation.

  27. Stumbles947

    Yeah and were gonna finish middle of the pack again and again and again this isn’t the group! we need a generational talent in the draft and these next 2 years are our only real chance to get that I seriously am so sick of this after 33 years i can’t watch anymore thse guys fuck up time after time I can’t handle it anymore the owner has to go!!

  28. rlovelock

    I was shocked today to see they’re up to .500

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