@Red Wings de DĂ©troit

Jetez un oeil au #7 👀

Que pensez-vous de ceci? Les ailes reçoivent un peu d’amour ces jours-ci. 🐙🐙



  1. fontinaliscoaster

    Crazy how when we played NJ early this season and they were booing their coach, and chanting for him to be fired.

  2. cjgsoup

    Listen I’m having a great time this season but that’s way too high lol.

  3. Demo541

    I’d agree more if we were at like 10

  4. Smokes_LetsGo_

    Pretty fair for a power ranking. We’re top 10 in points percentage and record for the last 10 games played, and we just beat Tampa. That’s the type of stuff that power rankings are based off of. Don’t take too much stock into this because they’re not saying we’re one of the top 10 best teams in the league.

  5. Fluid-Pension-7151

    I’d love for this to be true, but I’ve watched every game on TV or in person and this feels like a stretch. I am super optimistic about the future of our team. I love the young players and think we will increasingly be a contender over the next few seasons. In my opinion, a wild card playoff spot (12-16) is still the goal, and anything above that is frosting on the cake.

  6. oceanic8675

    Hmmmmm this is not correct.


    We should be number 1 đŸ˜€ (jkjkjkjk)

  7. It’s Bleacher Report. Their whole business model is built around triggering large fan bases for clicks. Successful once again.

  8. Karlsonne

    Appreciate the love bleacher report. But no stars in a top 10 list shows me where you’re at, just saying.

  9. podunk19

    Hard to see when I’m distracted by that fucking rat.

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