@Devils du New Jersey

Alexander Romanov des Islanders ÉCRASE Miles Wood des Devils avec un coup massif sur la glace

Regardez le défenseur des Islanders de New York Alexander Romanov attraper l’attaquant des Devils du New Jersey Miles Wood avec un énorme coup sûr avant de se débarrasser de Michael McLeod.


  1. Tough hit to take hope he’s okay. Very clean but he’s gotta keep his head up.

  2. Had to watch several times and the last angle was the best. Shoulder goes into chin and looks like Wood had a bit of a bloody nose, too. I don’t care if there was some contact with chest, too. It’s shoulder to head as principal point of contact. Not a fan of either team and no particular interest in either player, positive or negative. Truth is a lot of people saying “good clean hard hit”, or at least the older ones, probably also liked the way Scott Stevens hit and wouldn’t have changed a thing. Yeah it’s a fast game and a game of inches but Romanov is lining up Wood all the way and can see he’s trying to handle the puck through a crowd. Either the league wants to get rid of head shots or they want to talk about it but do almost nothing. You can’t line up a guy with a shoulder to the head. That’s predominantly what Romanov did.

  3. Damn, that was a good, clean, hard hit. These are kinds of hits that are missing today. Guys are either targeting the head or they try to make a soft play to get the puck.

  4. Romanov is really becoming the next best defensive D-man. Love to see a nice clean hit like that. Teams would kill to have a guy like this on their back end.

  5. Всё по правилам,игрок был с шайбой,не опускай головы, в лучших традициях каспера, это нхл детка

  6. If anyone thinks that hit wasn't clean then they've clearly never played hockey before. Obviously there's going to be force to his head, both of them are 6'2. He didn't elbow him, or target his head whatsoever. Just a good hockey play. Wood had his head down, and somebody made him pay for it. Simple.

  7. Саня красава!!!! Только За что удаление то, нормальный хит. В девяностых и двухтысячных постоянно так играли и нормально все было.

  8. These commentators are the definition of clueless. What an embarrassment. Of course Jersey is getting the extra two..?

  9. I’m surprised Kenny said what he did? That’s unfortunate because that’s a picture perfect clean hit that the NHL should be encouraging! Not these boarding hits, cross-checking, slashing hits!

  10. One of the best hits in the last 10 years. Incredible hit.

  11. This is a perfect example of being an arrogant puck hogging gutless coward. Woods thought he was McDavid for a second and decided to try to go end to end and cut through the middle with his head down. If that was Scott Stevens they'd be using a stretcher to scrap Woods off the ice. Sometimes players need a reality check and trying to skate around like you're some superstar and then getting destroyed is priceless.

  12. Well deserved instigating penalty.
    Clean hit, to the chest, never lifted his feet. Cannot get cleaner than that. Still respect for standing up for your teammate.

  13. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Kenny but in this case, he’s wrong! There were ZERO reasons why Alexander Romanov needed to protect himself after that clean hit! (He didn't do anything wrong) I don’t care what Kenny says; these types of retaliatory fights did NOT happen when he played. What DID happen in “old school hockey.” Is the player that was hit, got the players number that hit him & would check him hard back, at some point during the game, that’s how it used to be! I expected to hear better from a retired player that I really look up to. I think Kenny was fibbing & was acting like a homer? (I don’t know why) I’m sure if I were to speak to Kenny alone? He’d admit it was a nice hit and there was no need for Romanov to get attacked.

  14. There wasn’t a penalty called on Romanov. What’s up with these retaliatory fights after a clean hit in today’s game? (I don’t get it) Do players like Barzal, Hughes, Woods think the defensemen will just let them skate around in circles in the O-zone with their heads down? It was a perfectly timed beautiful clean hit! We need more clean hits like that in this league, for the players own safety! Instead of all the boarding, cross-checking, hacking and slashing that can seriously injure a person!

  15. One of the biggest hits I’ve ever seen. This was an all timer. Absolutely rocked

  16. I swear some hockey players have a learning disability, keep forgetting to have their head on a swivel 🤣

  17. Ken daneyko is fair. Thats what i like about him. Mcleod deserved an instigator. Not sure about a gsme misconduct. It was a clean hit. As an isles fan i was hoping romanov would lay someone out after a poor game vs the blues. He was on the scoring sheet also vs the devils. This kid is built like a brick sh@t house.

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