@Flames de Calgary

Flames de Calgary vs Maple Leafs de Toronto | Faits saillants complets des heures supplémentaires – 10 décembre 2022

Regardez la prolongation complète entre les Flames de Calgary et les Maple Leafs de Toronto à partir du 10 décembre 2022.


  1. The Toronto Maple Leafs literally, and that word is overused a smidge, but literally gave up 26 shots, at home, to a team that played last night, and that would be embarrassing enough on its own. On its own, that would be unacceptable. On its own, you never believe that that team would a) make the playoffs or b) do anything in them!! Canada’s team? 🤓

  2. Yes that's right folks another great win by Canada's team against the Republic of Alberta's other team on Canada's sports leader LeafsNet!

    Proud to be a Canadian.
    Not a separatist.

  3. Canada’s team wins again!! Wooooo!!!! 22!!! 1 point away from first place in the entire League!!! Love this team!💙🇨🇦🍁

  4. Man you could see Sutter was pissed at refs.He is always the first off the bench win or lose he just stayed and stared at refs.

  5. Wooooooo! PK X +orange on none 7 9-9 laughs fan independent late no more high mind, your pathetic 55 years no cup Toronto make me laughs sux 🖕🖕🖕 Wooooooo! I delate no more high goto FUKIN U with KOODA 🖕💩🖕💩 BWHAHAHAHA lmfao 🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂

  6. Streak awesome for marner but means nothing lol can go the rest of the season streak come playoffs is where it matters until leafs do something in playoffs season means nothing

  7. The Make Beliefs were gift-wrapped this game against Rodeo Trash by the hometown officials. A double-minor in the absence of blood and a couple of late phantom calls prevented the visitors from having a chance. Disgraceful. LET’S GO DEBS!!!

  8. Yes sir Mitchy! Mitch Marner strikes again! Finally after getting 1 point in OT to San Jose, Anaheim, Vegas, New Jersey, the Islanders, and Tampa Bay, the Leafs got two points in OT! What a game! What an ending! What a night! GO LEAFS GO!

  9. I'd like the NHL to make 3 on 3 OT 10 mins long. Give the 3rd and 4th liners chances to play too lmao! Would prob reduce the number of shootouts as well

  10. We got lucky we got that penalty in ot, that line Sheldon started with wouldve been done. Regardless good win!

  11. Imagine needing a 22 game point streak to finally crack the top 10 in scoring hahahaha

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