@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Darryl Sutter avait-il raison de critiquer la défaite des Flames contre les Maple Leafs?

Le panel de Hockey Central a analysé les pénalités prononcées lors de la victoire de 5-4 des Maple Leafs en prolongation contre les Flames de Calgary et a discuté de la question de savoir si l’entraîneur-chef des Flames, Darryl Sutter, était justifié dans sa critique d’après-match des appels.


  1. Why are people complaining those where penalties control your stick the last game the leafs played Tampa kuchervo got as minor for interference it should of been 5 minutes

  2. This is soft whiney BS. I'm disappointed in Sutter He should be coaching his players to take responsibility. Some of these penalties were avoidable if players just controlled their sticks.

  3. When an ex-hockey player calls a player pushing another one "too aggressive" and the player pushed reacted as if he was just cross-checked and flies to the ground, hockey is getting too soft.

    It's becoming all too obvious because refs don't call embellishment as much as they should be, players are taking advantage of this by selling calls without being too obvious when doing so now.

  4. Sounds petty. If the Refs were in Toronto's pocket they'd be winning cups every year.

    Calgary was undisciplined.

  5. i dont like either team I just enjoy looking at all the terrible personalities from the leafs fans in these kinds of comments

  6. How about the schedule this year and Toronto keeps getting teams come in on road trips that are playing a schedule loss (3rd game in 4 nights)
    That wasn't anything close to a fair-play contest.

  7. "If they want to win, play better." I guess now we know from Bieksa himself that he just never wanted to win lol

  8. Cross checking against Matthews and the Backlund cross check we’re both bs pens. Mathew’s went down like a noodle and same for Backlund cross check

  9. These guys are all full of crap! Play better? Hard to play better when you’re always short-handed for no good reason! You can see from the replays there were at least 5 terrible calls!

  10. The Flames basically had the game the Leafs had against the Stars, just without the absolutely possessed penalty killing.

  11. Yup percent they always get the call . Why do you?
    Another game with Toronto gets the win because of bias same thing happen and New Jersey Devils this The situation room is in Toronto they have to move it to someone else and then there’s nothing to say why is everything always Toronto because the league knows they make more money when they win

  12. Watch the Flames be the most penalized team for the rest of the year after Sutter's comments.

  13. There are plenty of times Toronto gets the short-end of the stick with penalties, whether deserved or not. It's part of the game. You high stick and cross-check players like today, be prepared to get called because that's what is supposed to happen. There is a rulebook for a reason. If you don't want these called, lobby to change the rules.

  14. funny cuz the stats show the flames draw the 5th most pps and leafs are 28th in pps, so the actual stats show the opposite of what sutter said

  15. I don't know how anyone can think that the Leafs get help from "the league" especially after that ticky tack pick penalty that called off a goal in Game 7 last year.

  16. He should retire, barely has the energy to speak. Btw stats says otherwise and completely opposite of what Sutter is trying to insinuate of Toronto. He should just say what’s on his mind, which is he hates Toronto and wants to peg Toronto as cheaters. POS move.

  17. Darryl is simply setting the refs up for the next game. He knows perfectly well how this game got away. Love Darryl, love the Leafs more!!!

  18. Wooooo! Hi, PK X+Orange on none 7 9-9 laughs fan independent late no more high mind. Your pathetic 55 years no cup Toronto make me laughs sux 😀😂🤣😭 Wooooo! I delate no more high. goto FUKIN U with KOODA 🖕🖕🖕 BWHAHAHAHA. LMFAO 😂😆😂😆😂😆😂😆

  19. When did Sutter become a whiner? Bad or questionable penalties are called ON ALL TEAMS all the time. Suck it up and play better.

  20. So much crosschecks.. that hubie’ one in OT was on the top of the helmet.. but still high sticking:/

  21. So PC from this group. Ron you Judas. I’m surprised they don’t review an episode of Canada’s Drag Queen.

  22. The problem wasn’t the penalties that were called. They were all penalties besides the Backlund one. The problem was the missed/ignored calls against the leafs. It was atrocious officiating. No way there should have been a 6-2 pp advantage for the leafs. Darryl knows what he is talking about. The officials have been horrible all year for all teams but it’s clearly worse in some places and its always in favour of the home teams. Its a bad look.

  23. Darryl Sutter is never satisfied irregardless of any outcome. If Calgary had of won the game, do you think the officiating would have even been brought up….NOOOO. Sutter just likes to B&tch.
    I think if Sutter were ever to smile or be happy about something, his face would break apart and he would need immediate surgery.
    It’s not in a Sutters nature to look or be happy. What a miserable clan.

  24. guy on left an idiot! Sutter does not complain unless he feels bias.

  25. That’s a pretty narrow minded thinking because obviously most of these penalties that were called were penalties except that standard wasn’t held against Toronto.

  26. A lot, though not all, but a lot of those penalties where pretty ticky tacky ones by the officials, must have just been cranky that day. If it’s pretty minor and doesn’t directly impact scoring chance just let them play on, the constant special teams these days is pretty boring. 5 on 5 should decide a game

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