@Capitals de Washington

Nous avons obtenu un tir de pénalité en désavantage numérique !

L’attaquant des Capitals Marcus Johansson tire un penalty en infériorité numérique et c’est un tir de pénalité! Johansson bat ensuite Connor Hellebuyck pour donner une avance de 3-0 à Washington contre Winnipeg


  1. The Jets actually didn’t play horribly despite losing this game. I think the refs really help the capitals win the game by giving them a two-man advantage and the penalty shot. It really screwed the Jets over.

  2. Does anyone else think teams should have the option to choose between a powerplay or a penalty shot? I think that makes much more sense. In this case, I would much rather have the powerplay because it takes away 2 minutes of the Jet's 4 minute powerplay.

  3. "that is one of the prettiest fakes I've seen from Marcus"

    It was so "pretty" that it wouldn't have fooled a single goalie in my div 23 beer league here in Edmonton 🤦🏻‍♂️

    I do have to say though that was an absolutely nasty play by Kuznetsov

  4. I get tripped from behind on a clear breakaway by a diving defender with 1:17 left in a 5-5 div 12 beer league game and no penalty shot and yet this is called a penalty shot? Damn these NHL refs are soft. Nasty play by Kuznetsov though

  5. This is why I no longer watch hockey. That call was so soft. Might as well be playing basketball on ice. Defense isn't allowed to defend. But the NHL gets what they want, higher scoring games.

  6. 0:25 Who's this commentator and why's he pronouncing everything so hard???
    "What. An. Ef. Fort. By. Kuz. Net. Sov. To. Spring. Mm-mar. Cus. Jo. Han. Sen."

  7. This commentator. All I hear is Chris Farleys voice over pronouncing everything hahahaha

  8. god i don’t know who that announcer is but i feel bad for caps fans

  9. THATS not a penalty shot 😂 wasn’t even a slash at all in the slightest bit – a tap.

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