@Wild du Minnesota

Faits saillants de la LNH | Red Wings contre Wild – 14 décembre 2022

Frederick Gaudreau a marqué deux fois et Filip Gustavsson a arrêté 16 des 17 tirs alors que le Wild du Minnesota a vaincu les Red Wings de Detroit 4-1.


  1. Too bad Gordie Howe in his prime wasn't around playing for Detroit in this game . . . would Reaves have stopped smiling?

  2. I like to watch two teams that have really contrasted uniforms play against eachother; it's easy on the eye.

  3. Молодцы, с очередной победой! Потихоньку, но движемся вперёд. Хорошая игра 👍

  4. This season is lost for Detroit, such a good start but they lead the league in injuries and now hronek proly gonna be out. Missing 2 of their top 4 defenseman, hronek arguably their best defenseman and missing 4 of their top 6 forwards already, shits ridiculous.

  5. Never cared about either team, but if the Wild are gonna be a bunch of goons, then I definitely will be hopiing they get their asses kicked.

  6. Миники добавляют в каждой игре. В последних матчах даже защита подтянулась, заметно меньше брака. А 75 настоящий аннигилятор – сносит всё что у него на пути.

  7. Вот золотые щитки на воротах не стоял. Плюс тафгая прикупили, который может, если что в морду дать. И капризову и остальным полегче стало. Звуки сам с колена забил и каприз с колена пас отдал. Гол необычный. Может в "моду" Войдёт?

  8. In this video the Minnesota Wild beat the Detroit Red Wings 4-1 on a Wednesday evening in St. Paul Minnesota

  9. У Миннесоты вратарь хорошо сыграл, а Капризов как понимаю снова с очками. Что там главный эксперт по честно отработанным деньгам даунти об этом говорит?

  10. Reaves deserves a lengthy suspension and and enormous fine. There is no place in hockey for a thug who intentionally intends to inflict a head injury on an opponent.

  11. The refs had a great game against the Wings. They really controlled the game. Not the Wild's fault, but they played well

  12. Reaves is nothing but a headhunter! In 14 seasons he has barely over 100 pts. Enforcers are not necessary anymore. He's nothing but an animal! He looks to hurt players and the NHL is trying to get away from that! There is no place in the NHL for goons like him!!

  13. Победа Ривза 2:0, думаю теперь соперники задумаются стоит задираться против дикарей или ну его

  14. Ривз размял"крылышки детройские"неплохо.А его хит, Ови точно бы заценил,но он занят- историю пишет с 800 голами))

  15. Reaves did his thing well today, I hope this is what he can bring to Minnesota every game!

  16. Кирилл как обычно хорош, но ему бы распасовщика хорошего…..

  17. Steve Yzerman ,
    Go get an Enforcer now – this is going to happen frequently !
    We need sombody like a Zack Kassian , someone that can stand up to a guy like Reaves !

  18. That open ice hit by Reaves was massive. Tough to see him get clobbered like that, but ya gotta keep ya head up.

  19. That's the season, right there. Another year of massive failure for Choketroit Dead Wings.

  20. Неплохо, неплохо. Вот и дяденька Ривз в деле)

  21. Anyone know if they sell a reverse retro wild hoodie that looks like these jerseys at the Xcel center? Can't find them anywhere.

  22. Lack of passion from this Red Wings team. Reaves should not have been smiling at all after these hits… but no one would take him one.

  23. переиграли еще и избили. красавчики.

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