@Ducks d'Anaheim

Zegras se casse les chevilles

L’attaquant des Ducks Trevor Zegras démontre son maniement magistral du bâton pour passer la rondelle au défenseur John Klingberg pour terminer le jeu et prolonger l’avance des Ducks sur les Canadiens 2-0 en 1re.


  1. Only the habs can give up two goals in 28 seconds to a team that had 1 goal in their previous 3 games combined.

  2. textbook play. simple move considering the situation he was in. hits the obviously open guy. no back of the eyes magic here. calm down everybody.. these are professionals after all. nice goal but seriously, I would expect a professional to do something like this

  3. I was expecting to see him actually deke around the guy. Not the Dman loose and edge and fall.

  4. this was like watching shinny wtf lol, the bedard sweepstakes are real

  5. Lmao even as a habs fan, this is ridiculous, how they can give up on the last team so quickly

  6. I guess it's good poise for him to look for the play and provide a quick screen so Allen has to readjust his tracking, but the defender is rushing over east/west while transitioning to skating backwards while Zegras' track is pretty neutral so he just has to cut inside, fight off that single swing and the D has to come back into the play cause momentum, whether he falls or not. it's just a difficult play for the defender to succeed on.

  7. That was a horrible goal to let in Allen lol. Man he's had a rough year. Literally looked like a practice goal.

  8. Super smart play. Zegras was on his backhand but gave it to a streaking player on his forehand. Bang… goal and nice hockey play.

  9. I don't think Montreal has ever won a game when they are wearing their reverse retro jerseys

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