@Canucks de Vancouver

Où en serions-nous avec des gardiens de but même légèrement au-dessus de la moyenne ?

Où en serions-nous avec des gardiens de but même légèrement au-dessus de la moyenne ?



  1. Firestorm238

    See 2021-2022 Vancouver Canucks – decent, but not good enough.

  2. _HoochieMama

    Thank god we haven’t had Demko stealing us games and helping to hide the glaring warts of this roster

  3. sMc-cMs

    Fooling ourselves into thinking we’re a good team.

    We’re not.

  4. D2ThaHizzle

    Our problem is more defence than goaltending. The goalies are being fed to wolves

  5. If the Canucks had decent goaltending, they probably go at least 5-1-1 in their first 7 based off of all those multi goal leads. The only game that doesn’t change is the Buffalo game. That would have them comfortably in a playoff spot. To say nothing of the sub par goaltending since the opening 2 weeks.

    Its very fair to say that Demko has crippled this team, for this season. Everything else, from Miller’s defensive challenges, to OEL and Myers performance, are all distant secondary issues. The Canucks problem are its goaltending.

  6. MikeErmantrout5

    Our good players are never good at the same time. Last year Petey sucked at the start ( injured) and Demko was a monster. Now it flipped.

    Next year Hughes will start playing like a Norris calibre D man and someone else will forget how to play hockey

  7. Judge24601

    The thing about our goaltending being shitty is that it’s being mostly covered up by shooting significantly above expected. If you look at 5 on 5 xG numbers, we’re near the bottom of the league in both counts. Yes, we should expect some regression from Demko back to his usual form, but we should also expect the opportunistic scoring to dry up. The reality is this team isn’t controlling play when the Pettersson line isn’t on the ice, and you need to control play to be a good team.

  8. pogobur

    Our bad goaltending has cancelled out our flunky above average shooting percentage, so with above average goaltending I imagine we’d be in prime position to make terrible decisions


    They would still be going absolutely no where with that D is where they would be going. Swept in the first round. Middle of the pack. Miss out on generational talents. Rise, repeat. Absolute trash team / organization for the last decade. Trade more picks.

  10. Stelar101

    Still rudderless and without direction

  11. Frodo_Lives21

    where would we be with slightly below average defence?

  12. maclloyd88

    The expected goals against is just horrific

  13. Look at LA. Their goaltending has been way worse, as shown in this image, and they’ve been doing okay with less offensive talent than the Canucks have.

    The Canucks seriously just need to rebuild and not look for holes to patch. One day, people are calling out Myers, the next day it’s Miller, then it’s OEL, then it’s Demko etc. The simple reality is this team just needs a fresh start with a new foundation, which Aquaman will seemingly never give in to.

  14. Alpacaduck

    The big takeaway: of all the worst 5 GSAE, we’re the only one with a GSAE/60 of over -1. By far. That’s even more damning than being top 5 GSAE (for the Nucks, not for Demko).

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