@Flames de Calgary

Ouah. Pas d’amour pour les flammes ? En Californie de tous les endroits?

Hey Markstrom… on dirait que tu as rendu certains fans des Sharks super heureux ! Haha. Bon jeu l’ami !



  1. magicseadog

    Probably just no love for muffins

  2. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Awe he is giving him the W for win!

  3. WinterCame87

    Tuck your thumbs in, dork 🙄

  4. undeletable-2

    Just a friendly reminder of how many goals Lucic has scored against the Sharks

  5. PhakYhuu

    Pinkey ring to show further masculinity

  6. ColdsnapX

    I mean wild fires kill lots of Californians every year. Maybe this dude lost a gramma in recent years?

  7. TalithePally

    What fucking Sharks fan shows up to a game against the Flames wearing red though

  8. Embarrassed-Song-738

    That guy has short fingers

  9. tripgentif

    Cool he got to go to a game on day parole.

  10. TheThatNeverWas

    So, in Sharks games, if the home team scores 4, everyone gets 4 free tacos. Which makes a goalie who shuts the door at 3 REALLY unpopular. There was a drunk dude at the game kept calling him Lidstrom.

  11. Oldenburg-equitation

    Haha, meanwhile I know Backlund gained a few fans today in San Jose

  12. Longjumping-Limit827

    That’s a straight up blood

  13. syllabbi

    California has always been full of trash

  14. IIIuminatIII

    That’s crazy cause he totally looks like a real standup citizen

  15. Due_Information_9211

    He’s native He needs more free money.

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