@Flames de Calgary

Je veux dire que c’est positif, non ?…

Je veux dire que c’est positif, non ?…



  1. hawaiian--pizza

    Time to load up on the copium!!!

  2. CaptinDerpI

    First Star of the game goes to the post

  3. Macsmackin92

    How hard is it to not grab the opposing player in the o zone? Thanks Mr bread

  4. SmartCrapface

    I don’t understand how the Oilers can keep getting so lucky against us, it’s ridiculous

  5. Then_Original_1269

    Sucks to lose to those Edmonton wankers but we definitely deserved that game. Marky played great, we had some great chances and pretty much all the 5v5 chances.

    Got shafted by the posts and the refs in the end

  6. Theboofgoof

    Honestly I give up, this team is cursed

  7. Ginger-Beefcake

    Not really. Who cares who « deserved » it.

  8. Comfortable-Ad-7158


    More goods to take in this loss. Then the oilers have with the win. They didn’t do shit 5v5.

  9. thuglife_7

    People need to stop being so negative. We played a great game. You know you can’t take penalties against the oilers. We were the better team. If we play like this for the rest of the season, you can buy your playoff tickets now

  10. FalseAdagio2

    Best game we played all year just got shafted by the refs. It happens

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