@Flames de Calgary

McDavid SNIPES prolonge sa séquence de points à 16 matchs

Connor McDavid marque son 31e but et son 67e point de la saison en avantage numérique pour donner aux Oilers d’Edmonton une avance de 2-1 contre les Flames de Calgary en troisième période. Avec ce but, McDavid prolonge également sa séquence de points à 16 matchs.


  1. Love it! i always thought he should shoot the puck wayyy more. Always did a few extra too many passes.
    Now that he's #1 goal scorer and on a crazy pace.. he's prob confident af and probably wants to win the rocket so bad.
    Making him want to be selfish even more to score more goals than we'd see in previous years.
    His good skating ability and awareness makes it so easy for him to not get injured. Probably will play 79-82 games and get 60-67 goals.
    I think he can manage a goal a game, maybe go 1 game with no goal then scores 2 in 1 game.
    Pretty managable

  2. Well done Connor! Very well done….. And who else than draisaitl gave you the puck.. I hope to see you you both scoring in the playoffs! And for all in the Stanley cup finals! Good luck!

  3. No one plays off the boards better than Hyman. I’m also glad McDavid is starting to shoot more. The old McDavid probably would have passed the ouck there.

  4. Funny that both cameraman got tricked by McDavid fake shot

  5. That was a terrible penalty call by the ref. Ruined a great game.

  6. Shouldn't be too much longer for them to win the cup , there's more that this guy has to do, he's gonna break and make records he's definitely on a mission to become the greatest hockey player to ever play the game

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