@Oilers d'Edmonton

Le podcast « Les centres Big 3 Oilers remportent une grande victoire sur les Flames » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils profitent de la victoire 2-1 d’Edmonton sur les Flames de Calgary.


  1. Skinner, the steady Stoic Warrior, won this game. The Oilers could have been beaten by Calgary tonight. The Oiler defense show game after game that they do not make plays “quickly enough” in their own end (& are skittish) and that the Oilers can be beaten by aggressive forechecking. Whether Skinner can play at a level that compensates for this vulnerability is a big question. … Unfortunately, Draisaitl is playing with some kind of injury.

  2. Tryptophan induces a B.O.A. with the intensity of a curling match! But thanks to Skinner we'll take the win and move on.

  3. According to fleury “ if it hit the post that’s cause that’s all he would give them “!…

  4. I'm a long time follower of the Cult of Hockey and I generally agree with the game grades, but I just read David's game grades article, and I feel like I'm being punk'd. Did I watch the same game as David?? The Oilers were sloppy all game, Draisaitl kept falling down and losing battles, McDavid kept getting pushed off the puck, and the team was hemmed in their own zone for good portions of the game. Calgary was the better team, and Calgary is a mediocre team this year. Skinner was the only reason they won, and to give him a 7 is atrocious. Sorry David. You get a 1 for that article. But you'll bounce back!

  5. Got a win they didn't really deserve mostly because Skinner made it happen. Against a mediocre team. I could go on from that but I'd only be repeating myself.

  6. Barrie has been really good this year!…I think we need to trade Bouchard tho!…I’m thinking Montreal would live him with his big shot and he’s French…Joel Edmundson who’d be good for us!

  7. I was ready to crap all over the Oilers for another loss due to bonehead mistakes, but let's hope this uncharacteristic 2-1 win becomes more characteristic after Christmas. And not just because of Skinner. What a world-class, galaxy-class PP goal by McD!

  8. Posts? Hitting posts are missed shots. As for being close, close only counts in Horseshoes and Handgrenades.

  9. Goalies are members of the team. Therefore oilers were the better team tonight. 🎉

  10. If the puck went off the post then you give the goalie credit for having his angles covered. David you don’t know shit and you act like you know it all. Broberry Broberry Broberry

  11. Barrie's been mostly great this season. The haters are out to lunch.

  12. if Mansons job is defensive coordinator, he certainly isn't doing his job. how many icing calls on defensive panic shots out of our end .the oilers can't pass the puck to save their life. 97 &29 are the only two who can consistently pass the puck. every team we play comes out of their end with pin point passing usually ending on an unblocked shot skinner is the only reason we won tonight

  13. big win – in the Top16/Playoffs now so that is great. Markstrom did let in 1 bad goal (Barries from point) & that was the difference – along w CGY hitting posts & the Refs not calling some Oilers penalties. Tough that CGY has to miss & unfair that they have to play them today/no rest…. but NHL wants the Cdn teams out. Can Oilers beat Vegas? Maybe?

  14. Skinner positioning was outstanding this game, the reason there were so many posts was he wasn't giving them anything to shoot at. Also, the reason he didn't look like he had a hard time was again his positioning was so good he didn't have to make a lot of athletic desperation saves.
    When a Dman is playing well defensively you don't really notice them. When a Goalie is playing his angles well and controlling his rebounds he makes it look like an easy game.

  15. An obvious 9 for Skinner, nothing less in my view.
    They are weak defensively, an understatement… Can’t have the best player in the world consistently penalty killing. I thought McDavid had a fairly lacklustre game except for that one shot. He was really miss handling the puck.
    Oilers looked sluggish.

  16. Skinner is showing shades of Carey Price…super calm, minimalist movement, square to the puck, fundamentally sound.

  17. The closest game to an "A GAME" all year defensively….. this team normally just coasts game in game out…..

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