@Ligue nationale de hockey

Pourquoi ovechkin obtient-il un laissez-passer parce qu’il peut marquer? C’est TOUJOURS sa photo IG actuelle. Pourtant, les gars des Hawks ont encore du chagrin pour quelque chose d’il y a 10 ans dans lequel la plupart n’étaient pas directement impliqués ??

Pourquoi ovechkin obtient-il un laissez-passer parce qu’il peut marquer? C’est TOUJOURS sa photo IG actuelle. Pourtant, les gars des Hawks ont encore du chagrin pour quelque chose d’il y a 10 ans dans lequel la plupart n’étaient pas directement impliqués ??



  1. ComprehensiveAlps652

    He has family there. Are you gonna speak out ?? Putin is crazy.

  2. ProfCharlesSexavier

    Compartmentalization. I grew up with him and want to see him break the record. I’m a hypocrite but that’s being human.

  3. PossessionFit5172

    We are comparing rape and sexual assault to a player with a photo of his president.. although Putin isn’t a good human being they are vastly different things.. my lord

  4. PossessionFit5172

    So are you advocating for the hawks? Saying what they did was no big deal?


    How bout this i got a great fucking idea i bet u never thought about, this in a NHL reddit keep politics out of it who fucking cares what ovi thinks it has nothing to do with the beautiful game of hockey get the fuck on

  6. Kryztripleb

    He has family there. He has told Caps management he cannot do anything.. if he removes the pic it looks like he’s speaking out… do you not know what’s going on there? Anyone speaking out gets 15 years.

    He is a high profile athlete and one of the most famous Russian athletes. He has family there and spends his summers in Russia.

  7. _makoccino_

    Another Ovechkin/Putin thread.

    Yours will have the magical answer to settle this debate, once and for all. I’m sure of it.

    Talk about beating a dead horse.

  8. Avs4life16

    Chicago is a black eye and a testimony to the old school way of handling things which is to turn a blind eye. Comparing these two things are not even apples and oranges it’s like pineapples and eggplants. like many of said you don’t know how crazy Putin really is

  9. uggh-daddy-please

    He’s not really getting a free pass considering how divided people are on the whole thing, they’re not silent about it. Unlike the hawks team that was actually covering up a rape and has now tainted the legacy of that Stanley cup championship.

  10. Infamous_Bus1578

    It’s hilarious to watch Americans, of all people, accuse everyone else of supporting murderous regimes. The same standards are never applied to those that visited the white house after the illegal invasion of Iraq, or continue to praise Obama after his constant bombings.

  11. JoLow1979

    How many times do rational people have to shout down pampered princesses who bring this up. As the other posters have stated, he has close family there. He has no choice but to stay silent. He hasn’t spoken in support of Putin since the war started. He’s literally just protecting his family. Get informed

  12. loveseatsleeper

    There are a lot of Russians playing hockey in the NHL. We either kick them all out or consider it an opportunity to simply play a sport in goodwill with our fellow man. Kicking the Russians out of the NHL will not end the war in Ukraine but playing a sport with them may lead to better understanding and appreciation of each other.

  13. DBCrapper

    Supporting someone and physically assaulting someone are two different things

  14. Mediocre-you-14

    There has already been an Ovi/Putin post here today. There will be more tomorrow and the next day and so on. yawnn

  15. mnpoolplayer22

    Do you remember when panarin spoke out about Russia and Putin? Things in Russia aren’t like here. They don’t get a pass speaking out about their country’s leaders.

  16. Throwawaydontgoaway8

    Most weren’t directly involved with? The report concluded the whole team knew, and made fun of him regularly for being raped and would bring baseball bats to taunt him. So wtf are you talking about? Why apologize for that. I can hate the hawks actions just as much as Ovi

  17. TCTuggerr

    Putin will have Ovechkins family thrown in the gulag if he takes that picture down. Some of these knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, ignorant folk don’t understand politics. Go figure.

  18. saskwatch93

    That photo is cheap life insurance

  19. doctormirdock

    Who gives a fuck. It’s a sport

  20. Big_Daddy_Herbie

    Didn’t someone big in Russia who spoke out just get chucked from a window?

  21. BlackFalconEscalator

    I imagine it has to do with the family in Russia.

  22. EcksDeeXD69

    ITT: Spoiled Canadian and United States citizens don’t understand perspective outside their own little bubbles, the same people who complain about how shit their countries are, forget that countries like Russia aren’t so welcoming of criticism

  23. -Honeysuckle-

    If he takes down the picture he better be careful around hotel windows….

  24. ComprehensiveAlps652

    Who knows right. We don’t know what’s going on with his personal life over there. OV is recognized all over the world. More so then a lot of politicians that arent in the public eye.
    So what do you think happens if he says anything negative. It would be on every news agency around the world. It’s just not Putin. Russian mafia. Fucked up drug dealers. Regular hardliners. Ya never know.

  25. hirtle24

    Because we shouldn’t be punishing citizens for their government’s actions.

  26. PraiseTheFlumph

    This sub is a shit show. r/hockey is not great but this is shit.

  27. Nuthin100

    I’d stay quiet and neutral too if my family was in Russia.

  28. GoRangers26

    I have been saying this for years. It’s so stupid that no one talks about it

  29. No-Negotiation1240

    I mean, he’s the greatest goal scorer of our generation and maybe ever but I’d say it’s pretty split between people currently liking him or not. Wouldn’t call that a free pass at all. Should he take the Putin ig photo down, yes. Should his legacy in the nhl be discredited, no.

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