@Oilers d'Edmonton

BRUT | Infirmière Darnell 12.28.22

Darnell parle des perspectives de l’équipe à la sortie des vacances et de sa victoire sur les Flames de Calgary.


  1. Now we have to stand with this man, no choice. Also Let's not forget last playoffs. He's gonna turn it positive, really soon. Last night was a massive game for Darnell

  2. He was better last game? I don't think so. But it's not his fault he's overplayed and over payed.

  3. I hope he turns his game around and limits the mistakes. Gets alot of heat, and rightfully so, but I don't see him going anywhere, nor does he want to. If he can play even close to what he's payed it will be worth it. Because he is part of the core. And there aren't alot of top tier defenseman banging on the door wanting to move to Edmonton. The fact that he wants to stay is a positive. He's overpayed no doubt, but he has played good before hopefully he can again.

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