@Avalanche du Colorado

Devrions-nous être surpris de l’esprit sportif de Makar ? À quoi ressemblera le prochain contrat de JT Compher ?

Cale Makar a fait quelque chose que vous ne voyez presque jamais au milieu d’un événement sportif. Il a dit à un arbitre, qui pensait que Makar avait fait trébucher et était sur le point d’appeler une pénalité, qu’il n’était en fait pas trébuché et qu’il devait y renoncer. Ensuite, vous avez vu autre chose que vous ne voyez presque jamais, l’arbitre obligé. Cale Makar a été qualifié d' »arrogant » par un journaliste du New York Post la semaine dernière. Mais ce ne sont pas les actions d’un homme arrogant. Pourquoi parle-t-on autant de ce que Makar a fait ? Ne devrions-nous pas nous attendre à cela régulièrement de la part de nos athlètes ? Ou devrions-nous simplement accepter que de mauvais appels vont se produire, et que parfois nos équipes en profitent et parfois pas ? Nous examinons également le jeu de JT Compher qui, dans une année de contrat, joue de manière plus régulière que lors des saisons régulières précédentes. Devrait-il commander plus dans son prochain contrat ? L’Avalanche peut-elle se permettre de le faire? Tout cela et plus encore ! Connectez-vous et abonnez-vous! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIg-1EJ77LGYsh9i8IaIO7w VOUS VOULEZ PLUS DE CONTENU QUOTIDIEN SUR LES AVALANCHES DU COLORADO ? Suivez et abonnez-vous au podcast sur ces plateformes… 🎧 Apple Podcast : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/locked-on-avalanche-daily-podcast-on-colorado-avalanche/id1485902260 🎧 Spotify : https : //open.spotify.com/show/0qH7chMVwFSBwf6BhXkQug 🎧 Audacy : https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/locked-on-avalanche-48765 🎧 Stitcher : https://www.stitcher.com/show/locked- on-avalanche-daily-podcast-on-the-colorado-avalanche 🎧 Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vbG9ja2VkLW9uLWF2YWxhbmNoZQ/episode/N2U5MzQ1MjAtNjFmMy0xMWViLWJlMDItYTdkN2VlZmVlNjgz 🎧 PlayerFM: https://player.fm/series/locked- on-avalanche-daily-podcast-on-the-colorado-avalanche Suivez sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/c_ma_celly Suivez l’émission sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/LOPN_Avalanche


  1. Ovechkin did wave off a penalty before, but that's the only other time that i've seen it happen. Bednar's comments about it after the game about it were priceless. Like he wanted to be upset about him doing that, but then realized it was just Cale being Cale and had to just laugh about it.

    Compher's next contract is easy – he will get paid too much by some team other than the Avs. I would be willing to bet that Newhook and Byram will get 2-3 year bridge deals just so they can bide some time until the cap goes up significantly.

  2. Ovechkin does it and the internet falls over themselves in admiration. Makar does it and he is an arrogant asshole. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. Chris, thanks for highlighting exactly what is wrong with the world.
    "Why would you do right."
    I'm not sure I'm going to this pod anymore. You have a platform and look at how you use your platform. PATHETIC

  4. After looking at the replay, it would seem to me that Barzal hooked Makar up high which may have caused him to loose an edge. If the Avs would have lost the game reactions would have been a lot more negative. Take the opportunity for a power play even if you think the call was wrong.

  5. Compher has been too consistently inconsistent from day 1 with the Avs. This year should carry no weight for his next contract with the Avs. It's cool he's stepped up since the major injury bug, but it's nothing they should pay for on an extension.

  6. PS that journalists comparing Makar to Fox, should tell him that they’re not even in the same ballpark,,, it’s like saying apple and oranges , yes they’re both fruit but they’re completely different,,, Makar is revolutionary for Ds of the future , Fox is just a very good offensive D,,, Can Fox shut down McDavid like Makar can ? I don’t think so!

  7. 05:27 I am that somebody, ha. Just had a difficult time absorbing that he’d waive off a penalty against the NYI and it was the only logical conclusion I could come up with. Regarding JT, that’s a tough one. Never been a player on the Avs that I’ve liked and disliked as much as JT and I know overall he’s incredibly valuable. Just feels like at times, he doesn’t play to his potential for whatever reason because we’ve all seen the potential and it can be amazing. Currently playing like a guy in a contract year and it will be interesting to see how high his value rises by the end of the season. I think he’ll need to put up more points though to really elevate that value past where the Avs can afford him but I guess we’ll see.

  8. It says much about his character that his immediate instinct was to be honest. It's one of those things where there are two "right" responses: be honest, or take the advantage for your team. Honesty is admirable, and we rightly roll our eyes at guys who have a reputation for diving. I don't see his integrity as arrogance. But he learned the other lesson, too: that the other right thing to do is accept the "bank error in your favor" for the team. There are plenty of missed and bad calls to be had, take them when they work for you. That's why he won't do it again.
    I love JT. He's a good fit as a bottom six guy. It would be great to keep him, and give him a modest raise, but the consistency is the question. If someone wants to give him a huge contract, we have to let him go.

  9. Makar should demand from Brooks a cut of the extra revenue generated from this sensational take. Mountain out of a mole hill.

  10. The Makar thing is funny, and it is great to see him try to balance his honest, humble character and his hyper competitiveness (mean Cale is mean). This might put it into the minds of some refs that maybe he should get the benefit of the doubt. That said, unless it is life threatening, let the refs do their job. If they get a call wrong, they know and they will make up for it. Happens all the time. Take the advantage, because as often as it goes in your favor, it goes against you.

    On Compher, he's a middle-six player who plays like a middle-six player. You pay him like a middle-six player. You don't pay him like a top-six player, but someone will and that is great for Compher. The Avs don't need more middle-six players, they need a 2C and that is what they will be looking to get. Right now, Compher's most valuable asset to the Avs, besides an NHL caliber body, is face-offs.

  11. I can't criticize Makar for being honest and forgetting for that moment that bad calls happen all the time and we have to let them balance themselves out. Besides, I'm such a homer that every call against the Avs is a bad call.
    And I'm sure Bednar just told him, "Cale. Don't do that."

  12. What a ridiculous comment from Larry Brooks. Adam Fox is a great player, but Makar is redefining the standard of excellence for an NHL defenseman and the two aren't really comparable.

  13. Would you want that bogus call against your team? No. Golden rule. Winning the right way is respectable. Although, if this is the playoffs, then forget my comment 😛

  14. It's only a regular season game, who cares about a stupid pp. The fact that Makars first instinct was to be that honest just speaks to how well he was raised and makes him even more my favorite player ever. Your qualities of character will always be more important than a stupid game, well done Cale. Also Bednars reaction to it was hilarious

  15. The one constant in all sports is that fans hate bad officiating. It's refreshing to see a player do the right thing in the face of an obvious bad call. I slept well that night knowing we didn't benefit from a phantom call. I'd rather lose with integrity than have to defend a * win.

  16. Also, consider it a future investment. Next time Makar has a legit gripe and talks to the officials, do you not think they won't take him seriously knowing his character. Sakic carried that same reputation and he was widely respected throughout the league for it.

  17. I feel like the bigger issue than trying to make this a "mistake" on Cale's part is perhaps the refs/officials making terrible incorrect calls all the time. Cale is a good dude through and through who made the decision that felt best to him, but the refs, man. They're god-awful and seem to all need eye exams.

  18. Makar continues to show that he's just built different. But in a 0-0 game where goals have been hard to come by and the refs swallowed their whistles on a couple of non-calls? Maybe not the best time to show how different you are.

    Compher is a bit of an enigma. I thought for sure he'd have taken that next step up a few seasons ago. He's clearly got the skill set, just maybe not the drive? It's like if Batman said to Commissioner Gordon, "Look, only turn on that Bat Signal if you really, REALLY need me."

    On a more serious note,I think the beard is starting to affect his wind resistance.

  19. maybe makar is trying to get a good Repour with the refs so when some penalties get called on him maybe the refs will take his word

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