@Predators de Nashville

Votre résumé hebdomadaire de /r/predators pour la semaine du 22 décembre au 28 décembre

**Jeudi 22 décembre – Mercredi 28 décembre** ###Commentaires du fil de jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 33 | /u/excessive_coughing a dit [That was an awesome 20 minutes of hockey from the Preds. Excellent game by Saros, too bad the preds don’t have that killer instinct to ramp things up like the avs did in the 2nd half of that game](/r/Predators/comments/zu0y27/post_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_at_nashville/j1ghcjb/?context=5) | | 21 | /u/Infraction_ a dit [All I want for Christmas is a team that can score with regularity (and not take dumb penalties) You decide if I’m talking about the Predators or Titans.](/r/Predators/comments/zu0y27/post_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_at_nashville/j1ghcby/?context=5) | | 21 | /u/BW_RedY1618 a dit [If only granny hit that empty net FUCK](/r/Predators/comments/zu0y27/post_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_at_nashville/j1ghddp/?context=5) | | 19 | /u/Rinne4Vezina a dit [Juicy Parsnips is going to be such a damn stud.](/r/Predators/comments/ztva86/game_thread_colorado_avalanche_18112_at_nashville/j1fzq6n/?context=5) | | 19 | /u/MajorPainInMyA a dit [Merry Christmas everyone. See you on the other side.](/r/Predators/comments/zu0y27/post_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_at_nashville/j1gha0j/?context=5) | | 18 | /u/Music_City_Madman a dit [Glass is looking like a chance creating center. Play the man more often!](/r/Predators/comments/ztva86/game_thread_colorado_avalanche_18112_at_nashville/j1g6amx/?context=5) | | 17 | /u/travboy21 a dit [Avs fan here. Got to go to my first game at Bridgestone tonight, and just wanted to say it was awesome. Great atmosphere, I liked all your chants during the pre game and after you score goals. Orga…](/r/Predators/comments/zu0y27/post_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_at_nashville/j1gw8hn/?context=5) | | 15 | /u/Kroger453PredsFan a dit [Let’s get back to winning, eh guys? This loser point BS ain’t gonna help the cause either way. \#WinItForMom](/r/Predators/comments/zwe2o8/pregame_thread_stars_at_predators_122722_700_pm_ct/j1u4kwn/?context=5) | | 15 | /u/Music_City_Madman a dit [Eh, we were due for a regression back to .500 after beating Oilers and Hawks. Positives: Duchene is looking good, *gasp* Cody Glass is a stud when you play him regularly and let him jel with his lin…](/r/Predators/comments/zu0y27/post_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_at_nashville/j1ghijx/?context=5) | | 14 | /u/Mixture-Away a dit [Anytime I see Cole Smith fuck up this is the first place I come and am never disappointed](/r/Predators/comments/ztva86/game_thread_colorado_avalanche_18112_at_nashville/j1g1vnj/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 145 | [11 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zuh4g8/my_fiancé_was_the_fan_captain_for_last_nights/) | [My Fiancé was the “fan captain” for last nights game. It’s safe to say she went all in.](https://i.redd.it/nu1gpblkxx7a1.jpg)| | 109 | [15 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zun37m/pretty_accurate_to_me/) | [Pretty accurate to me](https://i.redd.it/j0jtpu30ry7a1.jpg)| | 81 | [11 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zwg0kt/preds_organization_sabotaged_xmas_at_my_house/) | [Preds organization sabotaged Xmas at my house. Barrett(Bear) quickly forgot about all the other gifts when we gave this to him. Thanks Gnash. /s](https://i.redd.it/di4oipexkh8a1.jpg)| | 72 | [20 comments](/r/prédateurs/commentaires/zsjw3e/john_hynes/) | [John Hynes](https://i.redd.it/geumy2qa7h7a1.jpg)| | 68 | [31 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zv22bx/what_kind_of_fun_hockeypreds_related_gifts_did/) | [What kind of fun hockey/Preds related gifts did y’all get?](https://i.redd.it/kc1rh4inb48a1.jpg)| | 65 | [5 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zxeeli/nothing_to_do_with_the_preds_but_shout_out_to/) | [Nothing to do with the Preds, but shout out to whoever was wearing this Thrashers jersey last night](https://i.redd.it/v8uy3hybmp8a1.jpg)| | 64 | [22 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zxi0gt/cole_smith_league_leader_appreciation_post/) | Cole Smith, chef de la ligue, poste d’appréciation| | 60 | [5 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zwxrif/twittercom_predsnhl_the_sweetest_christmas_gift/) | [[Twitter.com] @PredsNHL: The sweetest Christmas gift! [Newborn] Congrats to the Duchene Family!](https://twitter.com/PredsNHL/status/1607895480654090240)| | 58 | [32 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zxaxua/made_the_worst_trades_of_2022_list/) | [Made the worst trades of 2022 list](https://i.redd.it/37539v6hxo8a1.png)| | 54 | [0 comments](/r/Predators/comments/zsdb1k/the_play_that_broke_the_record_for_59/) | [The play that broke the record for #59 🥳](https://i.redd.it/asqdcu6pef7a1.gif)|  


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