@Stars de Dallas

Tim Hardaway Jr. irrite tout le monde avec son incohérence…

Tim Hardaway Jr est passé de tirs complètement ouverts et invisibles en première mi-temps à amorcer Larry Bird en seconde, éteignant les lumières et éloignant les Lakers alors que Dallas remportait la victoire de Noël. Les séquences chaudes et froides de la nuit dernière n’étaient qu’un microcosme de sa carrière totalement incohérente, et pourquoi il est le joueur le plus exaspérant à avoir dans votre équipe. Quoi de neuf tout le monde, je m’appelle Stefan et voici Heat Check. Allons-y. Jusqu’à présent cette saison en 32 apparitions, Hardaway a disputé 9 matchs avec plus de 20 points, ce qui est évidemment une grande réussite, mais d’un autre côté, il a également disputé 9 matchs où il n’a marqué que 6 points ou moins. C’est comme avoir 1 grand match et un match terrible d’un élément précieux de votre équipe. Vous ne pouvez définir aucun type d’attentes avant le prochain match. Comme nous pouvons le voir dans les journaux de jeu. Dans un jeu, il marque 21 et dans le jeu suivant, il va 1-9 FG et seulement 3 points. Contre les Clippers en novembre, il n’a pas réussi à marquer le moindre point en 22 minutes d’action, juste pour exploser le lendemain contre les Rockets pour 28 points. Vous ne pouvez tout simplement pas compter sur lui pour recevoir une certaine contribution tous les soirs. Vous obtenez soit Hardaway le lance-flammes, soit le Tim moyen qui ne peut rien frapper. Et hier, nous avons vu les deux versions de lui dans un match. Nous sommes conscients de la capacité de Hardaway à devenir chaud en une fraction de seconde depuis sa saison recrue et cette vitrine mémorable contre Dion Waiters en 2014 Rising Stars Battle, alors que Tim a marqué 4 3 consécutifs lors de cette sortie. Mais le fait est que c’est en fait son problème. Malgré sa carrure athlétique et sa rapidité, Hardaway n’utilise pas exactement tout cela et s’appuie fortement sur son tir sauté, même s’il n’est pas doué pour ça. Un tireur à trois points en carrière à 35,7%, c’est juste moyen, mais Tim a réussi plus de 7 trois par match comme s’il était l’élite de l’élite. Et cette saison, c’est amplifié au point où il tente si peu de tirs à 2 points, qu’il agit essentiellement comme Matt Bonner sur le terrain. Comme un jeu de tir lent. Gâchant complètement tout cet athlétisme, cette rapidité et cette capacité de maniement du ballon. Pas de drives vers le panier, pas d’accès à la ligne de faute, comme il ne l’a jamais fait en fait… rien. À l’époque où il portait l’uniforme des Knicks et a obtenu son contrat actuel, Hardaway a attaqué la jante pour 1 tiers de son total de points, tandis que presque autant venaient de derrière la ligne des trois points. Il s’agit d’un régime de shots bien équilibré. Depuis lors, cependant, surtout cette saison, c’est tout le contraire. Près des 2/3 de ses points proviennent du centre-ville, et seulement 15% sont des points au pourtour. Et un tireur incohérent qui ne fait que monter trois, équivaut à un joueur incohérent dans l’ensemble avec d’énormes écarts de points d’un match à l’autre. Bien sûr, jouer avec Luka dans cette attaque nécessite un certain type d’ajustement, car il a le ballon la plupart du temps, mais d’un autre côté, les doubles équipes sur lui génèrent de superbes regards grands ouverts, ce que Hardaway n’a pas pu. abattre systématiquement. Et je ne sais pas quelle équipe aime un joueur avec ces attributs qui leur coûtera 19 millions et demi pour cette saison, 18 pour la prochaine et 16 millions en 2024. Les Mavs sont à peu près coincés avec lui, alors leur seul espoir serait qu’il commence en quelque sorte à éteindre les lumières comme il l’était il y a 2 saisons. Et c’est Tim Hardaway Jr en un mot. Vous espérez juste qu’il va faire un bon match. Les Mavs peuvent-ils remporter le championnat avec lui comme l’un des éléments clés de l’équipe ? Faites-moi savoir dans les commentaires. C’est tout pour l’instant, abonnez-vous et on vous parle au prochain. Paix dehors.


  1. Tim is solid, the only real frustrating players this season are imo ; Trae & Klay

  2. maybe cause of his injury that's why he doesn't wanna cut that much anymore.

  3. Does his consistency have anything to do with Luka missing games?
    Luka misses games more than I'd like to see as a mavs fan.

  4. Every team nowadays think they're the Warriors and that they can all play that kind of system. The Warriors have elite, historically good 3 pt shooters while most of the others teams don't. That system doesn't work for everybody.

  5. Pretty obvious, he can’t dribble the ball, which in turn makes him only a shooter, and you are not gonna make all your shots

  6. Let luka get his 25/88 I bet his team hovers above 4th seed for the next five years, hell 8 years. But the way he plays right now how you expect Christian Wood to get into his groove when luka just hit 4 3’s? Or Hardaway to be consistent when not only Dinwiddie but now Walker cut to his minutes, drop him off with a contender and he’s going to go for a consistent 11 PPG

  7. He reminded me a lot of JR Smith early on in his career. With the mavs he’s really been relegated to a spot up shooter and like said in the video he’s really not a great shooter. Maybe if he was to have the ball as a primary playmaker a little more it could lead to some more drives and better efficiency and consistency. Lukas season is reminding me a lot of the James Harden Rockets.

  8. This video didn't take in factor the coaching and the staff behid the players. As much as I agree with the video, you can't just gloss over the fact that it's not the players who decide how they're gonna play, specially role-players like THJ. Being a starter side-to-side to someone like Doncic means that the coaches probably advised him to just stay outside the arc and wait for the pass, and if I was making $19M, I would ablige to my coaches as well

  9. Luka needs to work on being an effective off the ball player. It's hard for the other scorers on the team to get into a consistent rhythm if they're only taking 10 shots a game.

  10. I agree with the point that he's inconsistent. But let's play devil's advocate for a second here.

    1. Dallas are playing 3 and D a lot of times when not utilizing Doncic as the main scorer. Since you can use Doncic only to a certain degree, you have to rely on other players' offensive skills. We're looking at a team that favors shooters over players who are dominant in the paint (which I think was what made KP a valued player at one point until we realized he can't stay healthy or dominant in the paint). Look at Wood, who's also stretching the floor as a center with his (to the Mavs' favor) shooting skills. Hardaway is a decent player who can do a little bit of everything. Yet, we see him being play almost like a pure shooter due to this team's system. I wouldn't blame him purely for his style of game when we have to consider how the Mavs are operating.

    2. Hardaway just came back from a season ending injury. When a player goes through such harsh injury, the player will tend to lean to his skills rather than his physical gifts. The same was with Powell when he came back from his injury (although I would give him credit for coming back this season with a level of confidence in his body). We haven't given enough time to evaluate Hardaway's game just yet. How about giving him until this post season to see how consistent he is cuz, after all, consistency is better measured in a larger volume set of numbers.

    3. Lastly, we have to take a look at the types of teams he's been lighting up with points. While I am being rather speculative as i haven't checked the numbers (please correct me if im wrong on this), most of the teams he's struggled with were teams with a strong perimeter defense. The reason why Doncic is a monster is because he's able to shoot off the dribble even against the best defenders. Hardaway is almost a catch and shoot player, which is so much tougher when he's matched up with tight perimeter defenders like the Clippers.

    Despite saying all this, I agree he has been inconsisten this season. I hate to see the Mavs losing when the rest of the team isn't showing up.

  11. I think if it comes to a safe career and making good money the approach to this is a fantastic idea

  12. I've said it all past off-season when Jazz still had Beverley. They should have went after Jordan Clarkson. He's at least got some heart.

  13. hahha thank you doing this video…i thought something is wrong with me. I think I am the biggest hater of Tim of all times. This guy would not play in 2nd slovenian league. I can pick up from the street better shooters. But he is kind of protected by the nba commentators and obviously by someone else in the league due to his father name. At first I thought it is just his shot selection that is ultra stupid, then I thought , he simply cannot hit anything if he does it from dribbling and jumps uncontrollably high. But now I see he does not hit anything even when he is wide open. Wide open several times and so. Game after game. It makes me so crazy that I would just… I watched all Dallas games in all Lukas years and every time they loose, it is actually on Tim, just that nobody wants to see it (or is able to see or I am ultra biased becoming). The crucial misses, when the games were braking, came always from him. I watched it closely. Dumm shots out of nowhere. Miss after miss and losing ball like a dumm kid. I am not saying because I hate him, you can simply see it on videos. It looks like (as seen from your video) he was better when he was in Knicks. He is simply out of shape I assume since legs are too weak and his jumping out of control. Or maybe it is really simply the fact that he plays with Luka and he actually needs a ball. But he has the ball many many times. Pumping the ball like a moron on the spot, with his knees really really high. I do not understand this player really…

  14. Between THJ or Bullock. I choose THJ over him. Bullock shooting bricks all the time. 0-10 sometimes. Too slow against fast guards and too small against Bigs.

  15. Story of his career. I'm a knicks fan and he was more inconsistent then.

  16. Hardaway is a streaky guy but I believe he’s not just a shooter only because streaky players don’t always rely on shooting they also slash a little to mix it up coz they get frustrated by the misses they get

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