@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Tim Stutzle des Sénateurs trompe Darcy Kuemper avec la beauté du revers en infériorité numérique

Regardez l’attaquant des Sénateurs d’Ottawa Tim Stutzle battre Darcy Kuemper du revers pour marquer un but en infériorité numérique.


  1. Why no one freaking out on that dive he did to intercept that pass???

  2. This is what is the problem with NHL officiating. Intentional or not, that was a clear trip on a goalie. Did it cause the goal or influence the goal in anyway – no. However, it was tripping and the ref shouldn't be able to make a "judgement call" on whether or not to call the penalty.

  3. To be fair the ref wouldn't have called it on Ovechkin either. Wrong or not vets like Giroux get away with calls from time to time.

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