@Canucks de Vancouver

Bruce dit directement que le truc de JT Miller hier soir est démesuré et qu’il n’y a pas d’animosité, alors vous pouvez vous détendre maintenant

https://twitter.com/canucks/status/1608956230441259008?s=46&t=_T5pDr_odg7KpzbxSIrvSg Ne pose aucun problème à aucun des joueurs. Détendez-vous les gars, ce sont des athlètes professionnels, pas des ligues de bière juste pour les joueurs amusants lol Edit: le fait que certaines personnes disent juste que Bruce ment est tellement drôle lmao, ce sous-marin ne vit pas dans la réalité



  1. PaperMoonShine

    It’s a lose-lose situation.

    Either it’s on JT, who very rudely yelled at Delia, or it’s on Bruce, who in that situation didn’t have a handle on his players and goalie to come out of the crease.

    It’s bad either way.

  2. allenbraxton

    The amount of comments saying “If I ever did that in my beer league…” like god damn. They’re pro hockey players. They get heated in the moment. People were blowing this way out of proportion.

  3. sopademacacadelicia

    Wow who knew /r/canucks would be wrong and blow things out of proportion.

  4. xeno_cws

    Lmao you thinks facts or logic is going to stop yet another 100 threads about JT Miller?

  5. canuckstothecup1

    If petty did it r/canucks would be talking about how they love that he wears his heart on his sleeve

  6. HogwartsXpress36

    I’m not sure why there is so much discussion. Have you all not accepted that JT Miller is a guy who can’t keep his frustration in check. He’s been a guy with emotional control issues his entire career.

  7. oldbus_boy

    Regardless.. the tire fire is still burning

  8. Lower_H8r_esef

    Facts: Bruce addressed the situation like a players coach and threw himself under the bus admitting he confused Delia. He mentioned JT was doing all he could to win in the last minute and that it was loud and hard for Delia to hear Miller.

    These are the facts, did I miss anything?

  9. You think Bruce would say if it was an issue? JT was in the wrong.. End of story.

    Also, JT can get the fuck out of town. (Not for this incident specifically, but for his overall attitude and contract)

  10. airjunkie

    What did you expect Bruce to say? Of course he’s going to downplay the incident whether it’s a big deal or not. Whatever the team says the the press is calculated to help move on from drama whether drama exists or not.

    Even if people are saying they’re beyond this, it’s always going to be in the back of people’s mind. I could never view a colleague seriously or as a leader after behaving the way JT did.

    It’s the coaches responsibility to tell a goalie when to leave the net. A player should never do that. Beyond the immaturity, it creates unnecessary confusion around communication.

  11. humblearugula8

    Coach protecting player.

    Interviewer should of asked if smashing the stick and staring down Delia at the bench afterwards was necessary or just an attitude issue.

    OP – It’s not hard to see JT is a cancer.

  12. Mordor9

    Translation: We’re used to him being a twat. He’s like this every day. No big deal.

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