@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion d’après-match : Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre Detroit Red Wings – 31 décembre 2022

[NHL Box Score](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022020584) # Box Score Team | 1er | 2e | 3e | Finale :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
[](/r/ottawasénateurs) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2
[](/r/detroitredwings) | 0 | 1 | 3 | 4 # Statistiques d’équipe ÉQUIPE | OBJECTIFS | PIM | COUPS | PP | FO% | TIRS BLOQUÉS | À EMPORTER | CADEAUX | HITS :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
[](/r/ottawasénateurs) | 2 | 8 | 23 | 0/4 | 46,8 | 17 | 4 | 5 | 31
[](/r/detroitredwings) | 4 | 8 | 25 | 0/4 | 53.2 | 21 | 4 | 5 | 31 # PÉRIODE Résumé des scores | HEURE | ÉQUIPE | FORCE | DESCRIPTIF :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :— 1 | 10:36 | [](/r/ottawasénateurs) | Même | Austin Watson (3) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : Alex DeBrincat (23), Drake Batherson (23) 1 | 15:27 | [](/r/ottawasénateurs) | Même | Claude Giroux (15) Revers, aides : Tim Stützle (19), Brady Tkachuk (25) 2 | 08:42 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Même | Pius Suter (5) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Lucas Raymond (13) 3 | 01:18 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Même | Lucas Raymond (9) Tip-In, Assists: Olli Maatta (10), Jonatan Berggren (8) 3 | 02:36 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Même | Elmer Soderblom (5) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Joe Veleno (7), Jake Walman (2) 3 | 03:13 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Même | Michael Rasmussen (7) Wrap-around, passes décisives : aucune # Résumé des pénalités PÉRIODE | HEURE | ÉQUIPE | TYPE | PROCÈS-VERBAL | DESCRIPTIF :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :— 1 | 03:19 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 2 | David Perron Hooking contre Tim Stützle 1 | 06:33 | [](/r/ottawasénateurs) | Mineur | 2 | Artem Zub Slashing contre Dylan Larkin 1 | 18:56 | [](/r/ottawasénateurs) | Mineur | 2 | Brady Tkachuk Tripping contre Michael Rasmussen 2 | 13:06 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 4 | Lucas Raymond Salut bâton – double mineur contre Alex DeBrincat 2 | 15:32 | [](/r/ottawasénateurs) | Mineur | 2 | Thomas Chabot Hooking contre Dylan Larkin 2 | 17:52 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 2 | Lucas Raymond Interférence contre Drake Batherson 3 | 16:37 | [](/r/ottawasénateurs) | Banc Mineur | 2 | Trop d’hommes/glace servis par Brady Tkachuk

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  1. ForkzUp


  2. The_Astros_Cheated

    This makes Michigan’s L sting less

  3. danakinskyrocker

    Wheel team confusing, but good?

  4. BroodWarrior

    Loving the come-backs but please start games on time boys!

  5. dingusking69

    Best game I’ve seen all season.


    What an incredible 3 minutes of hockey at the start of the third there

  7. Wasn’t able to watch, how did Seider and Walman look?

  8. Let’s goooo! Rasmussen has really been earning that top line spot

  9. NathairGlas

    First win of 2023 for me in the UK, I should wear my St Pats Red Wing logo tee a lot more often

  10. JustaGuyPerson

    Hellberg is our Tage Thompson

  11. atheistinabiblebelt

    Seider looks so much more like himself without chairot. Thats the player I remember from last season right there. Hits, smooth passing, qbing that pp. Yup.

  12. jfstompers

    Ginger ales all around boys!!! See ya next year

  13. A Wings win is a great start to the year! 😀

  14. ando772

    Looking at it maybe December was a one to remember

  15. spoonyfork

    The RR jersey curse is broken!

    (But I still don’t like the design)

  16. AlphaDeathclaw

    Ras’s voice and face don’t match, imo. So polite and cheery sounding with serial killer eyes

  17. el_Technico

    I’m okay with the Wings playing a ropa dope final 40 minutes of hell style if it means the team consistently scores 4-6 goals a game and we win.

    Happy new years everyone. I hope you all have a rich, joyous and healthy 2023 !!

  18. Councillor_Phlunt

    Keats: « You would like to think you’re going to get bigger smiles from Michael Rasmussen after one like this but… Thats not his nature »

    Keats and the BSD staff have to be here

  19. oceanic8675

    I didn’t want to say anything during the game, but we broke the reverse retro losing streak!!!

    It’s cause Mickey complimented them during the game I bet.

  20. dingusking69

    Looks like Soderblom is my new boy.

  21. jackstalke

    Such a fun game to ring in the New Year. Happy Happy folks!

  22. Shotokanguy

    The 3 goal burst completely disrupted anything Ottawa could have gotten going, especially since it happened right at the beginning of the period. It wasn’t a great game from the Wings but it was definitely good enough.

    Hellberg looks pretty shaky on a lot of saves, to be honest. Even there at the end, out of nowhere he’s having to keep the puck out because he was slow getting back in net. But the defense was good and he didn’t have to face a lot of shots. I think people here need to realize that all of our defensemen have been playing pretty well all year. I believe a lot of the struggles are purely from the structure the forwards are adopting when they get the puck. It’s too difficult to get out of the zone and the Wings end up throwing it around the boards because there are no good options.

    Chiarot once again played a quietly reliable defensive game that most people aren’t going to notice and give him credit for.

  23. Damolisher

    The young guys proving once again they belong.

    And as I said in the game thread, it’s funny how the « THIS TEAM SUCKS, WE’RE STILL SHIT! LOUD NOISES! » crew was missing after the first.

  24. AirCanoe

    Impressed with Hellberg tonight, he’d want those two back but he managed to pull himself together mentally and not collapse. If they’re both firing at 100% I don’t think he’s better than Ned but he’s not bucking like Ned is right now, I think we’ve found the back up.

  25. boner1500

    Maerry new years fellow DRW enjoyers. Hope yall are having as great a nbight as I am after that dub. Here’s to a 2023 that includes W’s that are as much fun as tonight was hey?

  26. Wish this team could find some consistency.

  27. OberonsTitan

    Raymond tried to give back the sacred HNIC Towel. That’s like stepping on the Canadian flag, I don’t think he knows the honor.

  28. BenAdaephonDelat

    2023 challenge: win some games without trailing by multiple goals first.

  29. el_Technico

    Ozzy just said the words, « nice retro jersey » 😵‍💫🤢

  30. needuhlife19

    Not sure if talbot had no idea what was going on or what, but he was hardly hustling back to the net on Ras’ goal

  31. Nbow0429

    anyone know how seider played next to Walman? I like him split up from chariot bc he hasn’t been producing at all, but being paired with another inexperienced guy makes me concerned.

  32. NathairGlas

    Locals to Arbys, don’t forget those ^small curly NEW YEAR VICTORY fries on Sunday!!

  33. zze0001

    The boys bring in the new year with a W.

  34. abassassasssin

    .913 for hellberg. Neds position on this team looking more up in the air every day

  35. mikemich

    I will cry long, sloppy, snotty tears if Soderblom, Veleno and Berggren are sent down. Y’all been warned.

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