@Sabres de Buffalo

Trop d’hommes sur le but du feu vert de Marchand

Trop d’hommes sur le but du feu vert de Marchand



  1. elkaroo

    Yeah if we challenge that its easily overturned. No idea how everybody missed that.


    The refs went pretty dumb there in the 3rd. They also missed the high stick on Jost with less than 2 minutes left.

  3. Icommentoncrap

    Refs also called Donnie on too many men when we had 5 guys on the ice stopping the play. Nice to see you can make it in life by failing 1st grade math

  4. jp163noah

    They gave Okposo the boarding penalty on a weak hit, and then cheap shot Marchand does a worse hit a few minutes later and nothing … the officiating was horrible, seemed like a little home-cooking, but who cares, we got the WIN !!

  5. AbjectDisaster

    I will say this, though, going down by one woke us the hell up and I would say pushed momentum back towards us as we had to get aggressive again.

    Refs were in the bag hard though – Buffalo isn’t supposed to be this good, I guess.

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