@Canucks de Vancouver

Miller claque son bâton sur Hughes pour lui demander de réajuster sa position avant la mise au jeu de la rondelle.

Miller claque son bâton sur Hughes pour lui demander de réajuster sa position avant la mise au jeu de la rondelle.



  1. 10inchezsoft

    Let’s make him hate Vancouver and demand a trade.

  2. PieRat351

    Pay to get rid of him at this point

  3. De_Floppss

    oh boy lets blow this out of proportion too, fuck it!

  4. elrizzy

    I’m no fan of Miller’s play this year but this is pretty tame and happens a billion times a game

  5. PinkSupra880

    That wasn’t anything worth talking about

  6. rlovelock

    I don’t know no I have about hockey strategy… but I’m pretty sure Miller is right? No need for the D to be positioned all the way back at the blue line when you have like 5 seconds to score?

  7. SpectreFire

    Schenn should’ve fucking skated out there and knocked Miller on his ass for speaking to his son like that.

  8. Slams his stick to get his attention. Brings him in closer because it’s 7secs left and Hughes is playing deep instead of being ready to jump in and try the puck… I mean, where is the issue? This incident shows that Miller is the only guy on the ice that’s cares and is showing an effort to tie the game.

  9. L3monDaddii

    This incident is being blown out of proportion and is pretty standard. It would be easier to move past it if Millers effort wasn’t so awful all game.

  10. LookAtThatNose

    He’s not wrong. Again. And again him slamming his stick gets a weird reaction from people who are rightfully frustrated with his performance as of late. But picking things like this to get mad about when he’s been 100% correct strategically both times is just silly.

  11. vision604

    Fuck off with this

    I’m a JT too

  12. No_Character_5315

    This is understandable what isn’t is him not skating back for 1 goal and a lazy line change on another. Unfortunately everything he does is going to be under a micro scope.

  13. Talax604

    This should stop.. it is annoying. happy new year.

  14. great_save_luongo

    He needs to fucking stop this shit. It’s unbelievable he thinks he can openly give other players shit when he is one of our worst players.

  15. Postisto

    Dude’s body language was fucked the whole game

  16. bigbigjohnson

    I don’t care about this at all

  17. MilhouseVsEvil

    Well our Captain isn’t telling him to get into position…

  18. Nogreencard

    Jesus christ people find the stupidest things to critique

  19. I honestly feel like I see this regularly. It just seemed be mic better.

  20. paperstrawz

    I hate Miller more than anyone but this is a non issue.

  21. deeho88

    You think miller is getting laid enough? My wife has a boss that is a complete dick and a pain in the ass to work with, but when he gets his dick wet… oh boy is he a nice guy and super easy to work with. But that only lasts like 48 hours

  22. Stelar101

    The fact that the coaching staff, management and leadership hasn’t reeled in this behaviour says it all.

  23. Know-yer-enemy1818

    Miller is not having a good time

  24. avmp629

    I think two things can apply here:

    1. This is a hockey thing that happens often

    2. It’s really funny that it’s Miller, again

  25. humblearugula8

    Ppl keep saying this is normal and happens all the time but I’ve been watching hockey my whole life and I cannot remember ever watching a player with this bad an attitude on the ice.

  26. sandunespacecat

    Lurking sharks fan here. The more clips I see of this dude, the more I feel bad for you guys. I’ve never seen someone be this blatantly awful on the ice towards their teammates. Not only that, but how he dismissed the incident with Delia saying he “doesn’t care.” This REALLY sucks.

  27. All the people defending this pull the same bullshit in beer league, they’re just trying to defend themselves.

  28. RJR79mp

    As the “Let’s get JT Miller to plead for a trade to somewhere normal” campaign really find its legs.

  29. rodudero

    Literally nothing crazy about this

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