@Red Wings de Détroit

Bonne année! Calendrier de janvier pour les fonds d’écran de bureau et mobiles

Bonne année! Calendrier de janvier pour les fonds d’écran de bureau et mobiles



  1. GraniteFlex

    New Year! Fresh Wallpaper.

    December was a little bit of a tough month with the 6 game winless streak, though they’ve bounced back nicely since then and will potentially have a full lineup this week or next!

    Props to u/CeJW who correctly guessed 5 wins in December, though we did have one game that got postponed. They did end with 12 points out of a possible 26, so they continue to border on .500.

    Once again, there are 2 different mobile formats, one for those who are utilizing iOS16 or the like, and the standard format from years past.

    Enjoy! LGRW!

    If anyone is customizing their Clock colors – the official Red Wings red is #C8102E 🔴.

    Enjoy and share!

    Tip jar, if you feel inclined:

    [Buy me a coffee..or a beer](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/graniteflex)

  2. Crisis_Averted0

    Looking good, appreciate your work.

    I’m thinking they pull out 7 wins this month! LGRW!

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