@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Disponibilité des médias des Maple Leafs | Après-match vs St. Louis Blues | 03 janvier 2023

Les joueurs et l’entraîneur s’entretiennent avec les médias après la défaite 6-5 des Leafs en fusillade contre les Blues de St. Louis mardi. 00:00 Auston Matthews 02:36 Michael Bunting 04:53 William Nylander 05:45 Ilya Samsonov 08:30 Sheldon Keefe ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever #TorontoMapleLeafs


  1. Good jobs Toronto Maple Leafs, keep working and Thursday the Seattle visit against Toronto Maple Leafs,
    Go Leafs go

  2. Congratulations to #34 for being the fastest player in maple leaf history to 500 points.

  3. Goaltending an issue tonight that’s for sure hope he bounces back to the good goaltending we been seeing.

  4. Tough lost. Stop with the 5 forward pp and use bunting or JT for the shootout instead of a defenseman. Also congrats auston on 500 points and congrats rielly on your engagement with tessa virtue

  5. Tons of home games rhis month. This is when we need to make up some ground on the Bruins. Lets tighten up defensively boys.

  6. Fun game once again. I love this Leaf team. Sammy let in some weak ones. That's o.k. Entertaining hockey that's for sure.

  7. Reilly has to go asap! WTF is with Keeke putting Sandin in for the shootout

  8. Samsonov needs to sit on the bench for a few let Murray take over the net, Samsonov has done nothing the past 4 games he's started in to keep earning starts over Murray

  9. Both teams played really heavy tonight and the Blues got the better of a bunch of 50 50 pucks/ battles. Blues are underrated, don't let the start of their season fool anyone because once they get healthy and rolling, they can be dangerous down the stretch. They have a really good, "next man up" mentality, too, when big players go out injured, and they play really well and fit in good with the team. Regardless, Leafs are fine, they'll tighten it up! They'll get better as the season plays out more. LGB!

  10. Bit of a bummer during intermission to hear Matthews say the players enjoy these kind of games where structure goes out the door a bit and turns into a gong show. I get playing a structured 82 game season is probably long and tiring and draining everyday but if you and the boys truly hate taking your L in the first round every year, you need to build these habits and be able to stick to them and improve upon them constantly to be a cup team. You can really tell they aren't out there fighting for their life every game, they know they can coast into playoffs with being just "good enough" and then think they can turn on the jets and suddenly care. For the good of the team and the good of the fans, need to be out there playing like you're eliminated if you lose a game, hammer people, extra effort to win puck battles. I dunno… To me it's just a frustrating attitude to have, if I see something different this year in playoffs, my concerns can go out the window but until then.. Drives me a little nuts.

  11. “Tomorrow new day. Sun is up. And I coming back to working hard.” Love Sammy’s attitude. He’s had some tough games, but I still know what he can do. He’s always positive, looking for his “smile”. Mental strength can make or break a goalie, so that’s a great mentality to have. Love you Sammy 💙💙

  12. Boy did I pick a good one to go to for my first ever NHL game!

    Watching them battle like that was well worth the price of admission.

  13. If Reilly can’t man PP1 what’s he getting 7 mil for his defense is mid at best

  14. Why did they let Sanden shoot that SO shot why not Kerfoot or bunting ?? Or any offense forward answer me

  15. Hopefully this is just a mini slump for Samsanov. That shootout performance of his was one of the worst I've ever seen in shootouts by any goalie.

  16. Such an entertaining game! Auston.. 500,501,502!!! How lucky are we to have him.
    Michael Bunting is a gem. Love this team 💙💙💙

  17. Samsonov has been struggling now for last 4 or 5 games he seems like he is flooping around not confident why is murray not playing 2 out of every 3 games i dont understand

  18. Just my opinion Samsonov could of played alot better game tonight in what he had should of got pulled after the 3rd goal was scored on him .Hopefully he finds his game back where he was several weeks ago

  19. Brayden Schen is a complete spaz…. Matt’s tapped him on the back of the shoulder pads and he slashes back as hard as he can, what a farm animal….. go back to the farm and live in a barn where you belong dumb animal…… I think when we play the blues, we need to slow the game down because we are playing the blues game which is fast paced east to west and physical, the blues are a tough team, but we are definitely more skilled and we can hand them in to play our game. we need to slow the game down and play keep away in the neutral zone pass the puck back to the defenceman and in the offences zone cycle the puck relentlessly against the blues. I think that will frustrate them. I don’t think they have the puck Henley skills that we have nor the cycling game that we have I think we could’ve won this game with someone timers from the point or in the slot with a screen in front of the goalie I don’t think we need to burn this much fuel to beat the blues not to mention we need some self-preservation I know Sandin call injured but either way it was a tough game. Obviously it’s hard to say anything or critique anything because the blues came play tonight…They couldn’t accept losing twice in a row to us….. you blues players need to start accepting losses to us ok guys….think about that…..remember that……Now I have to get back to harassing the tampa bay lightning and Trudeau in the comments section…I’m spamming both those channels relentlessly…..

  20. So when is Toronto going to get professional goalies that can actually stop a puck????

  21. Sammy got to chill, make himself bigger in the net, play the angles stop flopping like a fish on his belly.

  22. I expected this,guys
    This was the biggest game of the yr, so far They exposed ALL of
    your weaknesses !
    I know where you
    are weak !
    It's G ….mostly !
    They shoot from the
    circle !
    you need to protect
    him , make them shoot to his strength
    The Blues exposed
    everyone of your holes !
    That's why I said it is your biggest game
    The good news is
    That you have time
    to fix it !
    FIX IT !
    It should never have
    come down to a shootout in the 1st
    place .
    I did not see the game, but I was there
    When you scored #5
    I was so EXCITED !
    AHA ! ..NOW GUYS
    But the tank was empty !
    Plug the holes ! and move on !

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