@Capitals de Washington

La fusée d’Ovechkin agresse un autre gardien

Ovechkin marque un but pour battre son 167e gardien différent, ramenant les Capitals à 1 contre les Sabres


  1. With every goal, making that Crosby vs Ovi debate much more interesting

  2. If he played in the era of prime Roy and Hasek he's be another Alexei Yashin.
    These goalies keep falling for the same tricks – go out and challenge him! Block off the angles!

  3. I was disappointed by the fact this Caps Reverse Retro is just a re-coloured version of the previous (the better one of the 2 IMHO), but this new one has grown on me! and I think it would look great as a permanent 3rd Jersey, with the previous RR being the main kit.

  4. 807 goals just felt like yesterday he passed gordie howe at this rate 24/25 season hes going to break the record plus set a new high 900 plus lets go ovi

  5. Ovi’s a goat but tnt’s 4 points with that hatty. Good golly man’s still so underrated.

  6. I love Ovi and hope he breaks the goal record but let's never forget the absolute legend Gretzky was… Everyone comparing that Gretzky's era had bad goalies, yea but then why doesn't anyone else in his era come close to the goals or points he had? Also look at how many more powerplay opportunity Ovechkin's era has compared to the late 80s and 90s, and how much more structured they are. Ovechkin will be the greatest goal-scorer of all-time no doubt and good on him, but we can't compare the two. Wayne Gretzky was the greatest hockey player to ever play. His will, determination was second to none with four Stanley Cups. He has more assists(1963) than any other player in history has in total points(Jagr 1921). He has 936 points more than Jaromir Jagr and he wasn't even known as a goal-scorer primarily and yet he still holds that record as well. He is The Great One.

  7. To think that a guy greyer than santa is chasing down mcdavid in the goals race, in his prime, in what seems to be a breakout season. It is simply mind boggling. Ovechkin is not human. I think these new "superstars" are a bit over-hyped😉

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