@Oilers d'Edmonton

Aperçu du match des Oilers d’Edmonton | GM 43 | Oilers d’Edmonton @ Ducks d’Anaheim | 11/23 janv.

The Oilers Fanatic vous donne un aperçu du jeu !! #Oilers #LetsGoOilers


  1. Great to Have this W & Toronto Beats Nashville to keep them out of the Playoff pace, Moving on to SJ on Friday

  2. Still think Edmonton has to make a major trade before the dead line. The only question is who do they pick up.

  3. Vincent Desharnais looked confident out there. He's big and mean in front of our net, can play the puck and hits hard when given the chance. It's only one game but he had a 55 +/- in Bakersfield last year.
    It's like a sneak peak at what neimolinen can become. I'm hoping Vinny gets a nice contract offered to him.

  4. Holland definitely made the right decision to pick up Kostin. I would not be surprised, if he keeps up his points per game, getting some top line opportunities. I do like Vinny Desharnais's first appearance. He is a big guy and defended quite well and made some good passes as well 🙂👍

  5. Broberg had a solid game playing over 18min today, Nurse played like shit and screened Soup on the 2nd goal

  6. Thought a statement game. Only thing I would have like to see if Desharnai can shoot. He was open at the point and looked ready to shoot but not once was he passed too.
    Kosin still looks like Holland make a good trade.
    What a good position to be in wondering who will be sent down once Kane returns. Let’s hope the same effort against the Sharks. Keep the vids rolling.

  7. We can enjoy the Oiler wins, but their playoff chances are very low. Based on the 2021-2022 8th place team’s point total (97), the Oilers would need to go at least 21-10-8 or 22-11-6 in their final 39 games to be able to play post-season hockey. That means getting at least a point out of 70 – 75% of their remaining games. Do you really expect that from this team (and their goals against record)? You’re probably talking a 7 or 8 game win streak to even have a chance at that. … Nurse and Bouchard continue to struggle – a lot.

  8. It was definitely a “statement game.” Oilers were all over it except for the first half of the second period. Agreed it could have been 10-2. Happy that you are also happy Patrick.

  9. I've been looking forward for Vinny's debut all season. He's 26 (older than McDavid, younger than Drai, same age as Foegle), and he had the best +/- in the AHL last season. I hope he gets a bunch of games to see if he can replicate his steady play at the NHL level!

  10. A statement game? Against one of the worst teams in the league? What statement are they making?

  11. The oilers need to have some winning streaks going for the remaining 39 games. It is hard to secure a playoff spot on how they play lately.

  12. Was so nice to FINALLY see Holloway on line 1, been wondering what's taken so long for that – 2 shifts in, puck is in the net. Also wondering why Desharnais hasn't been called up way sooner; 6'7 and actually plays D which is refreshing (top +/- in the AHL last year!) Great game; FINALLY putting Pulijiharvi where he belongs (bottom 6) and Holloway where he belongs (top 6), line 3 is awesome, Kostin looks great; Desharnais will help but . . . we still need some help on D; Nurse is at best a 2nd line defenceman, we need a vocal veteran D to help calm things down

  13. a statement game…what b.s—the third worst team in the league. This game is no reason to start beating winning drums. Still the same bs from bouchard and nurse…they cant skate the puck out of our zone, and cant pass it out either unless its directly to the opposition….and certainly cant shoot once in the offensive zone….and worse yet neither hits anything.
    The bright spot is, getting, trying out new and different defensive ideas (people) because the ones they have —-arent working. And why would you, when your making 6 million over what your worth—-id be laughing and smiling all the way to the bank also, cant risk actually playing i might hurt myself and not be able to have fun spending my ill gotten gains. That right there is a franchise killer. So if your looking for a reason the oilers have been sucking, you needn't look further than those two–one the franchise killer and the other gets the assist!!

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